Australia's Treasurer Tested for Coronavirus After Coughing Fit

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May.12 -- Australian Treasurer Josh Frydenberg is being tested for the coronavirus after having a coughing fit during an address in parliament on Tuesday. Frydenberg, 48, suffered the bout of coughing while giving a speech about the severe economic effects of the virus.
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It’s a good thing they were all wearing masks. I’d hate to be the next person to have to use that stand.


He is now the "most wanted man" in Australia.


Not 1 single of these guys never died. Just "announcement' they're "positive". Then they *ALL* recover.


everybody in the room like "oh...


That’s how it starts. The fever. The rage


That time you were happy to be a back bencher.


Why did no one have the courage to offer him a mask... 😷


He was not been tested before? I mean working on such an important issue and not taking measurements over your health.


I am in Australia this was so funny lol🤣🤣🤣🤣


I can spell 'sciunce'! So I should be able to decide which sciunce I believe in. I believe in the 'sciunce' of the holy book of the T-Rump king of all kings, son of God, the chosen one and the rightful air to a flatulent society.

Seriously, look at the reality. If you want to believe in Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy or Buddha or Shiva, fine. But try to stay open to the reality that you could be one of the 20% of the general population that is adversely affected by the viruses that are out there. And the Covid-19 disease is not well managed even if you were one of the "special" connected persons that the committee at your hospital decided to put you on Remdesivir.

Again it's math, and like 'sciunce', it's not subject to belief. Do the math folks. And that is the problem. We are not being told the truth because America is refusing to believe there is a problem so we are not reliably TESTING the population. So look at Dakar, Senegal. They TEST everyone and have so few deaths because they regularly deal with Malaria and Denge and HIV AIDS and have a tiny medical budget. So money is not the problem there. They employed testing and science and medicine rapidly to a problem when it first emerged, when the numbers of cases was BELOW 100!

So here's the math. America has 330 Million people and 900 Thousand hospital beds.
Let's just open up the country BACK TO NORMAL, except that we have an infection. So we will just go about life like nothing is happening. Sort of like Radiation. Just ignore it, right?
330 Million times 20% is the number that will have an adverse impact but not necessarily fatal = 66 million sick peopel
NOW fatality is a factor of your immune system and the care you recieve. If you flood the hospitals and take up all of those 900 thousand beds by June, well then there will be people lying in hallways waiting to be treated for days. That should impact the fatality rate adversely.

So of that original 330 million people, we don't social distance and don't wash our hands very often. Then we start to cut corners and WHAM, infections turn into sickness into deaths.

I would love to believe in a 2% fatality rate, but with the outcome looking more likely to be like Northern Italy or Russia, we could be in for a 5% fatality rate.

16 million 500 thousand persons dead by July because we broke quaranteen, didn't social distance, didn't TEST, and didn't contact trace. So thanks Dr Fauci and Dr. Birx. Nice of you to stop by. We'll be fine. Well most of us.

I am going to stay home because i will use up saving in three years. I am lucky because I have no debt and some investments and cash and a tiny annuity and so I can sit it out.

And I get it. Most people in America are living paycheck to paycheck! I realized way back in 1985 when many of my employers said that I shouldn't hope for social security to be there, I started saving into IRA's and mutual funds. Because I believed, that the numbers about the trust fund were accurate and trusted in my own ability to create a viable financial plan.

And that is what is saving me now. I can't help you though. I didn't plan on helping financially my neighbors. So it's sink or swim time I guess. And I wish you all GOOD LUCK.


Here's an interesting view on things.
Eastern medicine to the lung infection. Go to Africa, shoot a Rhinoceros, cut off it's horn, ground it up into a powder and mix it with gensing and garlic and put the mixture in a tea and drink it twice daily for a week.
Western medicine. Go out in public and hang out with a bunch of friends at a bar. Go home and make love to your partner, and play with your kids. Then in a few days start coughing and get a fever. Call the Dr. and explain your symptoms and are told to stay home and call in a few days if you are not better.
So few days go by, and by then your fever is 103 F and you are sweating and you have shortness of breath and are wheezing. So you go to the hospital ER and are admitted into the intensive care ward, and you fight and fight and with in 12 hours you are unable to breath on your own. Then they put you on a ventilator and induce a coma. So you lay there for about a week. Every day the hospital biling office calls your insurance and one day, the insurance company says you have exhausted your benefits.
So the hospital takes you off the ventilator, and you are moved to a ward closer to the morgue. There you stay in a medically induced coma until you die.
The End!


While this is somewhat alarming, if we were being completely objective, we should be good scientific, and factual media and keep this person in contact, watch his movements and contact trace his interactions from this point backward 5 days since we are typically infected at least 3-5 days prior to exhibiting any symptoms.

And we should follow his case to see if this was in FACT just a tickle in his throat, or the beginning of disease and what results day by day. Is he going to get worse, stay the same or better? I would want to know, instead of just forgetting this event like so many tiny INTERNET bytes of reality that hit our collective attention and are forgotten by the time you watch the next trending video or read the next viral tweet.

Watch the progression of this person. It's worth knowing in real time how it goes. Then we can see for ourselves how a healthy man in his 30's or early 40's I am guessing is impacted! We should get regular reports at least twice a day.

Oi mate! How's it going? Practice it with me. Krikey that's a nasty cough you got there mate!
