Havelsan | 2013 - Tanıtım Filmi
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Havelsan A.Ş. (adının açılımı: Hava Elektronik Sanayii), 1982 yılında Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri'nin Yazılım Mühendisliği alanındaki ihtiyaçlarının giderilmesi amacı ile kurulmuş olan bir şirkettir. 1985 yılından itibaren şirket yabancı ortaklarından ayrılarak %98'i Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerini Güçlendirme Vakfı'na ait olan bir kuruluş haline gelmiştir. Şirket merkezi Ankara'da olmakla birlikte birçok farklı ilde ve yurtdışında ofisleri bulunmaktadır.
Havelsan, Savunma ve BT sektörlerinde global çözümler sunan bir bilişim ve sistem şirketidir. Havelsan, C4ISR, Anayurt Güvenliği, Simülasyon ve Eğitim Simülatörleri ve Bilgi Yönetim Sistemleri alanlarında kendini geliştirmiştir. Bu dallardan CN-235 CASA ucakları için pilot uçuş eğitim simülatörü üretmiş ve Türkiye tarihinde bir ilke imza atarak yurtdışına simülatör ihrac etmiştir.
Havelsan, genelde askeri yazılım projelerinde yer almakla birlikte son yıllarda birçok e-devlet projesi ile ilgili sorumluluklar almış ve bu sorumluluklarını başarıyla yerine getirmiş ya da getirmeye devam etmektedir.
Havelsan is a Turkish software and systems company having business presence in the defence and IT sectors. It is headquartered in Ankara, Turkey, with subsidiary companies and offices around Turkey and abroad. Havelsan is mostly active in the fields of C4ISR, naval combat systems, E-government applications, reconnaissance surveillance and intelligence systems, management information systems, simulation and training systems, logistic support, homeland security systems and energy management systems.
Havelsan was established by the Turkish Air Force (TUAF) Foundation in 1982 as a Turkish company named Havelsan-Aydin in order to provide maintenance for the Turkish Air Force's high technology radars.
In 1985, Havelsan was separated from the foreign shareholders and incorporated as a national company with a share of 98% owned by the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation.
In 1997, Havelsan added C4ISR, training and simulations system and management information systems to its functions. As the "Informatics and System House of Turkey" Havelsan has been designing and planning critical defense systems such as management information system, homeland security system, simulation and training system and command control system (C4ISR).
Although Havelsan has generally been involved in military software projects, it has also taken responsibilities on e-government projects and successfully implemented them.
Havelsan is one of the subcontractors of the Peace Eagle Project. Havelsan is mainly responsible for delivering the ground support segment which consists of crew training, mission planning and software maintenance functions. Havelsan is trying to be a main subcontractor of Boeing for Italy and Korean AEW&C projects. (Boeing withdraw from this sub-contractorship in early 2009).
Havelsan, Savunma ve BT sektörlerinde global çözümler sunan bir bilişim ve sistem şirketidir. Havelsan, C4ISR, Anayurt Güvenliği, Simülasyon ve Eğitim Simülatörleri ve Bilgi Yönetim Sistemleri alanlarında kendini geliştirmiştir. Bu dallardan CN-235 CASA ucakları için pilot uçuş eğitim simülatörü üretmiş ve Türkiye tarihinde bir ilke imza atarak yurtdışına simülatör ihrac etmiştir.
Havelsan, genelde askeri yazılım projelerinde yer almakla birlikte son yıllarda birçok e-devlet projesi ile ilgili sorumluluklar almış ve bu sorumluluklarını başarıyla yerine getirmiş ya da getirmeye devam etmektedir.
Havelsan is a Turkish software and systems company having business presence in the defence and IT sectors. It is headquartered in Ankara, Turkey, with subsidiary companies and offices around Turkey and abroad. Havelsan is mostly active in the fields of C4ISR, naval combat systems, E-government applications, reconnaissance surveillance and intelligence systems, management information systems, simulation and training systems, logistic support, homeland security systems and energy management systems.
Havelsan was established by the Turkish Air Force (TUAF) Foundation in 1982 as a Turkish company named Havelsan-Aydin in order to provide maintenance for the Turkish Air Force's high technology radars.
In 1985, Havelsan was separated from the foreign shareholders and incorporated as a national company with a share of 98% owned by the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation.
In 1997, Havelsan added C4ISR, training and simulations system and management information systems to its functions. As the "Informatics and System House of Turkey" Havelsan has been designing and planning critical defense systems such as management information system, homeland security system, simulation and training system and command control system (C4ISR).
Although Havelsan has generally been involved in military software projects, it has also taken responsibilities on e-government projects and successfully implemented them.
Havelsan is one of the subcontractors of the Peace Eagle Project. Havelsan is mainly responsible for delivering the ground support segment which consists of crew training, mission planning and software maintenance functions. Havelsan is trying to be a main subcontractor of Boeing for Italy and Korean AEW&C projects. (Boeing withdraw from this sub-contractorship in early 2009).