Invasive Breast Cancer: We Teach You The Essentials

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We teach you how invasive breast cancer can threaten your life and guide you to the key information you need to know to get the best possible treatment.



Questions for your Breast Cancer Specialists:

1. What is invasive breast cancer?
2. What type of breast cancer do I have?
3. What is the chance I will die of my breast cancer?
4. What are my receptor results?
5. May I have a copy of my pathology report?
6. Do I qualify for genetic testing?
7. What is invasive breast cancer?

Invasive breast cancer is defined by breast cells that grow abnormally fast and have developed the ability to spread beyond the breast to other parts of the body. It can take years for breast cells to slowly develop the genetic changes (mutations) to change from a normal cell to an invasive cancer cell. But once they do, some spread more rapidly and others grow very slowly and may not spread at all beyond the breast. Invasive breast cancer can threaten your life.

“Non-invasive” breast cancer are cells that also grow abnormally fast, but cannot yet spread beyond the breast to threaten someone’s life. Ductal Carcinoma In-Situ (DCIS) is an example of non-invasive breast cancer and is generally categorized under “breast cancer” by most organizations. It is covered in our “Non-invasive DCIS” lesson and is more of a “pre-cancerous” condition.

Important facts if you have an Invasive Breast Cancer:

Treatments can cure 90% of all women with breast cancer
The majority of all patients are diagnosed at an early stage
Surgery, hormonal therapy, chemotherapy, and radiation are treatment options
You have time before choosing a treatment pathway
You may qualify for genetic testing

Types of invasive breast cancer:

Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma is the most common (70%) type of invasive breast cancer. It is called “ductal” because the cancer cells originate from the cells lining the milk ducts. There are many other factors beyond “type” of cancer that are important.

Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma occurs in less than 20% of patients. It is called “lobular” because the cells originate from the “lobules” of the milk ducts. Lobular cancers are no worse or better than invasive ductal cancers from a survival perspective. There are some unique features of lobular cancers that can affect diagnosis and treatment. Ask you physician how an invasive lobular carcinoma is different from an invasive ductal carcinoma.

Other types: Inflammatory Breast Cancer (5%) is a very aggressive cancer. Colloid and Mucinous (3%) are considered less aggressive breast cancers and carry a lower risk to one’s health. There are other less common types of invasive breast cancer that we have not covered.

What is the chance I will die of my cancer?

Most women just diagnosed with breast cancer have no idea how much of a risk to their life their unique situation poses. Any invasive breast cancer does impart some level of risk to your life. However, this risk is usually less than you would assume.

Why are “receptors” important?

Receptors are tiny proteins on the surface of the cells that act like “light switches” that can turn on and off cancer cell growth. The Estrogen receptor (ER), Progesterone receptor (PR) and HER2 receptor results are incredibly important for you to know and understand. Take our lesson on “My Tumor Receptors” to learn the essentials.

How do you treat invasive breast cancer?

The most common first treatment for early stage invasive breast cancer is surgery, possibly followed by chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and then hormonal therapy. Breast cancer treatment is incredibly complex and there can be many different approaches to the same type of breast cancer. There are some situations that are better treated by “neoadjuvant chemotherapy” as a first treatment rather than surgery. The Breast Cancer School for Patients was created to help you to make the best treatment decisions with your breast specialists in your community.

You may qualify for genetic testing

Invasive breast cancer is known to be associated with the BRCA gene mutation. The BRCA (Breast Cancer) gene is commonly referred to as “The Breast Cancer Gene.” If someone inherits a broken version (mutation) of this gene at conception, they carry a very high lifetime risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Most breast cancers are not the result of the BRCA mutation. In fact, it is estimated that the BRCA and similar genetic mutations cause only 10 to 15% of all breast cancers. It is important to ask your physicians if you meet the guidelines for genetic counseling and testing. Take our “BRCA Genetic Testing” lesson to learn more.
Рекомендации по теме

This doctor has the most reassuring and relaxing voice.


Dr W, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing these videos. You’re a very calming person in a difficult time for a lot of women. 🙏🏻🙂


I was just diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Casanova and feel so much better after watching this video. Having surgery in a couple days.


Dr, it's so Kind of you to do your best, dadicating your time, making sure that we, the patient, understand what's happening to our body. I learn so much from your schools than I've ever learned since 1980, my sisters and I, we've been dealing with Your teaching is a precious gift and I am so grateful to find you on youtube. May God bless you! By the way


I am 50 and was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma HER2+ ER+ PR+ 2 days before Christmas 2024. I just had my Lumpectomy last month after 10 sessions of Chemo (Paclitaxel). After the lumpectomy was done the medical staff already told my mom that I would need more chemo. Is this because they could not get it all? The surgeon also removed 3 lymph nodes and some necrotic fat tissue. I see my surgeon this Wednesday (today is Monday).


Thank you kindly Dr. W. FOR MAKING these videos to help everyone understand about the different types and stages and recommendations of Breast Cancers. You are truly a God send for all of us that are fighting this evil disease.


I a white male age 70. I recently was diagnosed with Invasive ductal carcinoma. Your videos are very helpful. Do you have information specific to men with breast cancer? Thanks


Always love your updates then I talk with my doctors. Thank you


You helped me a lot to calm down. I’m at work and I can’t control my tears. The oncologist ordered the BR bloodwork, Echocardiogram and pet scan . I’m waiting for the scan to be appealed by the insurance. Thank you because I start chemo next week


My mother today diagnosed with infiltrating ductal carcinoma phase 1 .
Hope she will get soon ...


Newly diagnosed 2 days before Christmas. I told to come here. My cancer is called Invasive Ductal Carcinoma and am ER+ PR+ HER2+


I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma stage 3 Aug. 13th no insurance. bad marriage home life sux.I just now got help with treatment but haven't started treatment or had masecotmy. I'm scared. Should be starting in a week or two.


Dr. Williams - you are AWESOME - THANK YOU for this site! SOOO HELPFUL!!


These videos are so helpful. I don't know much about cancer so it's nice to have a calming way to learn about what I have and will go through, I'm only 26 and this is so hard, thank you.


Thank you so much Dr. W. for making this video. It is very educative. You are like an angel that calm depressed people. May you be blessed!


What about too much fat — keeping estrogen levels high, as a risk for breast cancer? Sugar keeps the cancer growing . Cut sugar and carbs.


I'm here because my sister has breast cancer, so type 2b. She had mastectomy and had 7 treatments of chemotherapy and radiotherapy already. Unfortunately, the funding for the clinical trial is gone and don't know when it will be available again, and so she skipped the 8th treatment (this month) and I'm guessing the rest of the supposed 18 treatments. No money in the family, so no choice but to fall back to basic: let fate do its course. I just hope it won't be that painful for her as days go by.


I just got a call from my dr saying in have a invasive breast cancer. Thank you for this video it calmed me down. I'll see me dr at 7am in the morning


Im stage 1 with brca2 positive estrogen receptor positive and I’m being offered chemotherapy before surgery


Thank you for making this video. I got a call from my Dr. today, I have been diagnosed with Invasive Ductal carcinoma. I am so overwhelmed and it is good to find this kind of information.
