Demystifying neonatal brain injury. Dr Taeun Chang

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The 10th annual international conference, Hottest topics in Neonatology was organised online from 15th-17th October 2020. This is the largest neonatal conference in the region, organized annually by Dr Aiman Rahmani and Dr Junaid Khan. My personal thanks to Dr Junaid for his kind permission to share the recordings on this channel. In this video, Dr Taeun Chang, Director of the Neonatal Neurology & Neonatal Neurocritical Care Program;
Children's National Health System, Washington DC, USA gives an excellent overview on neonatal brain injury-demystifying the very complex topic. Please share!
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It is an excellent summary of our approach to assessment of the risk and impact of neurologic injury. She presents a simple model of our brain using analogies from our daily life like the master board, black box, circuit etc. I would encourage all of you to watch and share


Thank you for sharing your research. I just found out my son has pvl after being in the nicu for a month, not sure how to move past this news since we have no clue of the future impacts.
