Our Gaming Memories 2 - Game Sack

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Episode 240 - Once again we go down memory lane and dig up stuff from the past that somehow pertains to video games! This was a really fun episode to make.

►Game Sack Blu-ray on Amazon!
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I am going to buy Daves Dad Pac Man on the NES again and become the son he wished he had!


One of my gaming memories is one day I went into Target and bought a Dreamcast. It was great but the modem never worked. But hey :)


You know what’s crazy? Game Sack, as well as a few other YouTube channels, are a part of my gaming memories now. I think your channel is about 8 years old, and I’ve been watching nearly since the beginning. Sometimes I just start up a Game Sack playlist on my Smart TV while I am playing Genesis or some other retro system (but usually Genesis, and definitely not a Nintendo system). In fact, there are probably five different YouTube channels I watch regularly that cover retro games, and I just enjoy having them on as background noise in general — whether I’m doing some kind of work around the house, or doing cardio, or whatever. It sure beats the hell out of listening to the news, or talk radio.

It’s pretty nuts to think there are complete strangers in other parts of the country, or even the world, who are now a part of my “gaming memories.” I was listening to a Game Sack episode that was playing on my TV the first time I beat Shadow Dancer, for example (I guess I’m just ADHD like that). That’s a game I had played many many times, for many years, but I’d never beaten it. So now, when I think about Shadow Dancer, I think about being a six year-old kid and swapping the controller with my friends, but then I also think about being a thirty year-old man and watching Game Sack. LOL And of course I can’t ever, ever play Truxton, or MUSHA, or Revenge of Shinobi — without thinking of CGR. And I think tons of people nowadays would say they think of Angry Video Game Nerd whenever they play Castlevania II. It’s like adding new layers of nostalgia on top of older layers of nostalgia. And now I’m starting to ramble sooo I’m done. Yep. Cool episode.


Back in 90 something my friend and I set up a tent in his back yard. In true camping tradition, we ran an extension cord out to the tent where we had a 13" black and white tv and a Super Nintendo. NBA Jam, NHL 94, and super metroid kept us more than entertained that summer


One of my favorite gaming memories takes place when I was working at Walmart in the electronics department when the Sega Saturn was released. A customer had returned their Saturn, so I saw this as a chance to get one a little bit cheaper since it was an open box item. ☺ I purchased Sega Rally Championship as well that day and drove home after work as fast as I could to play. After setting up the Saturn I popped open the disc tray and to my delight a rented copy of Galactic Attack was in it with the rental sticker still on it. Lol. Score! So Galactic Attack was my first shooter for my Saturn, followed quickly by Darius Gaiden. 😊😊😊


Similar memory of Pac Man. My aunt and uncle own a grocery store next door to me, and my aunt purchased a Mrs. Pac Man cabinet for the store. She'd never played a game in her life, but she could fly through the levels and get farther than any of the rest of us could. She still has that same cab and can still blaze through the game.


Dave's packing skills are next level. 5 out of 5, would buy from again.


This was one of my favorite episodes.
I have so many memories of gaming growing up, but there is one that stands out.
My best friend at the time who lived next door had just got an NES, and I rushed over to play the pack-in Mario duckhunt. Before long both our parents came in with several new games from the video rental store with Ghostbusters, Mario 2, Top Gun, and a few others. Later on in the day they went back and rented us even more games, all while we just sat in my friends room, probably close to a dozen games in all. Every game was so magical and new compared to my Intelevision.
looking back now I don't know why they decided to rent so many games for us, all in one day, I would normally be allowed one a week. I've asked my parents and they don't remember, I suspect they were just happy to shut us up with videogames for the whole day- maybe they were having a party


I had the Dreamcast lighting strike thing happen to me, but with the original Xbox. I was at a friends house and we were doing a Halo lan party, this would have been around 2003 or so, before Halo 2. There was a big lightning strike and the power goes out for a second. When it came back on, we started back up and tried getting everything going again, only I couldn't connect. We kept trying and trying, but finally realized that the power surge fried my modem - and only my modem. Unlike the Dreamcast, it wasn't interchangable, so I was out of luck unless I bought a whole new system (which I didn't). So for the rest of the time, we had to take my younger brother's Xbox over to play. I wasn't able to get Xbox Live until I got an Xbox 360 years later. My friend still hosts an Xbox lan party once a month, and I always go, even if most of the guys from the good old days don't anymore. It's still fun.


I went to Powerfest in Milwaukee in 1990 and it was so awesome. You truly don't understand how cool it was unless you were there. Boy, I wish I brought a camera with.


It’s not a true Gaming Memories video without hearing about Dave being a ladies man.


As a 37 y.o. gamer, watching these episodes of old memories of fellow older gamers like me brings a lot of nostalgia.

One of my most vivid memories is of the day i was at my cousin's house and he was waiting for a guy to deliver his recent bought Panzer Dragoon Zwei, Nights Into Dreams and Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, all for the Saturn, obviously. We were young, and it was way past bed time (acording to my aunt, but she gave us a free night to play that day, due to our anxiety). The guy arrived about 9pm and suddenly it was 7am, the sun was rising and the house was smelling fresh hot coffee and toasts.

Good days.


I guess Dave's Baldness is Karma for Selling that Pac-Man game behind his Dad's Back ;)


One of my favourite episode ideas! I' really captures how videogames make you feel nostalgia beyond just for the games. I found myself reading allot more of the comments than I would normally.


I will never get why people would give these Guys a thumbs down. Great Show, not one bad Episode =)


Really liked this episode, good to hear i am not alone in a criminal videogame return history..


LOL Joe's Virtual Hylide story is so sad, he actually spent a dollar on it! Oh yeah and there was that issue with the gurlfrend and all but I could understand if he were playing Guardian Heroes, Legend of Oasis, Dragon Force, Xmen vs Street Fighter or whatever.


One of my very favorite episode of game sack. Love all the stories and the different approach on narrative of each one.


Jokes on Pat, now everyone and their mother will want a copy of Gangster Town!


From the sound of things, Pat the NES Punk sure lives up to his name.
