Evil Genius tips - Everything you need to know before playing

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It’s time to become the ultimate supervillain with some Evil Genius tips. Get to know your minions and traps and you’ll be all ready for Evil Genius 2 later this year.

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A few more tips from a longtime Evil Genius player:

- Make absolutely certain that every single object in a room is accessible and not blocked by other objects and that no objects are blocking off part of a room. If any part of a room is blocked, agents will be able to tunnel into the inaccessible parts, where they will gleefully steal things or set bombs. When I first played the game, this kept happening to me in my Strongroom because gold piles would spawn and close off parts of the room. Also in Power Plants because I didn't realize a capacitor was blocking access to a generator.

- Your generators will wear down faster the closer you are to running at your full power output. Make sure you have plenty of extra power so your generators/reactors aren't constantly exploding (and so that in a worst-case scenario, losing a generator won't shut down your entire base). On that note, Technicians are the ONLY minions who can repair objects, so be sure to keep them around as you upgrade to higher-tier science minions. Running at capacity will wear down your power objects faster than the Technicians can keep up maintaining them, though. And again, make sure each and every generator/reactor can be reached for maintenance, because Technicians can't repair what they can't access.

- Everyone loves making trap hallways for agents to check out, but you can also make hallways to nowhere with several Level 3 Security Doors. Agents can't resist high security door locks, so waste their time and they'll eventually get bored and leave without bothering you. Speaking of doors, don't bother with them in high traffic corridors, because your minions constantly moving will keep them open most of the time anyway.

- Make every object, even if you don't need some of them, because science minions will research everything and allow you to make better objects. Science minions aren't terribly proactive in finding things to research sometimes, but you can entice them to areas by putting loot objects there and hope they research things on the way to or from standing around it.

- Leave a 2x2 space of rock in your Control Room to make an Inner Sanctum for your Impressive Desk when it's available. It's not necessary since you won't be letting your Evil Genius get hurt anyway, but they can sit comfortably while keeping morale high for minions working in the room. You'll still need a proper Sanctum for the conference table and TV studio, but the Control Room seems to be the most demanding on your minions and planting your Genius there helps prevent mass desertions. Alexis is the best Control Room Genius because her area of influence is huge. Valets working hotel duty tend to desert a lot as well, but they're easily replaced and losing a few has a marginal impact on your operations.

- Hotels aren't all that useful because there's just no way to keep tourists from wandering into your base, but they can be nice time-wasters for agents. Especially the Casino. Be sure to put level 3 security on some of your exterior hotel doors just to bait agents into wasting their time picking the doors. And it focuses your Social Minions outside the base where they can quickly rush out for psychological weakening, which is a fantastic way to get rid of Super Agents until you get the missions to eliminate them. Mods that allow you to build hotel rooms inside your base give you the option to make a hotel front hiding the evil inner workings of your base, but it does come at the cost of space that could be used for actual productive rooms.

- Set your base to Yellow Alert, then click the Alert button a second time to silence the alarm. Your minions will arm themselves and stay armed indefinitely, so they can run right out and deal with situations as needed instead of having to run to the armory first.

- Your biggest rooms will be the Power Plant, Laboratory, and Training Area. Your Barracks can be smaller than you think it should be, about 1 bed to every 10 minions (you'll never have a situation where every minion is resting at the same time). Google how to edit your population in the config file, because lockers only exist to waste space and space is a precious commodity that you can't sacrifice on needless things. Be careful editing your max population because more minions moving around or congregating will slow down operations. Get a mod to remove the unbreakable rocks, because again, we don't want to be wasting space in our efficient evil base designs.

- Use a Freezer to build your trap gauntlet. The doors should always be set to level 3 to keep minions out because they love to use them as break rooms for some reason, but you'll need to turn them down to level 2 to repair/replace broken traps and to make improvements. With the room already being a Freezer, it won't tag all the body bags to be moved and send a bunch of minions to deal with them.

- Agents are going to find their way past your trap rooms, hallways to nowhere, and low-heat rooms near your entrance and into areas of base you don't want them in no matter what you do and how vigilant you are. Keep your vital areas buried deep and be mindful of choke points where you can easily respond without taking heavy minion and object losses if and when they manage to slip under your notice. If you need to hit Red Alert, your minions are already armed and will deal with threats immediately, then go back to silent Yellow Alert.

- If you capture a Super Agent, interrogate them IMMEDIATELY because after a few minutes they will break out of their cell and set literally everything on fire. John Steele can't be eliminated like other Super Agents, but you can hold him indefinitely by just filling your holding area with turrets. They'll knock him out and a minion will toss him back in a cell (just make sure there's enough distance that they'll KO him before he starts blowing them up and your entire armory goes down in flames). Wash, rinse, repeat.

- Never recruit Red Ivan (unless you get a mod to replace his rocket launcher). He's more dangerous to your minions than enemy agents.


* Bio-Chemists are the best minions for plotting on the world domination map.

* Place your inner sanctum and power plant in the center of your base to avoid infiltrators tunneling into either room.

* Keep a loot item in each room or in crowded corridors to maintain minion attention/loyalty.

* Have at least one of each item when it comes to rooms and traps. This will enable your scientist to conduct more research and unlock new items faster.

* Mess Halls, Staff Rooms & Infirmaries are low heat rooms that can be placed near the entrance of your base. I usually lead this into the barracks before an intruder can get to the most important rooms.

* Building corridors with 3 or 4 square units wide helps alleviate heavy traffic. I usually incorporate this where I know most minions will be passing through.

* Avoid killing enemies & try to weaken them instead. Confusing them will help avoid gaining heat & losing minions.

* When obtaining materials for your doomsday rocket, be sure to get 5 crates from each of the 5 resources. Once you have each resource, you will be able to build the rocket part by right clicking inside the rocket cavern. This won’t be available until your minions have delivered the required crates.

* Super Agents can only be defeated on the 2nd island

* Laughing/Mocking super agents will award you Notoriety points. It’s best to do this immediately after they are put into a cell to avoid them from escaping afterwards.

* To defeat Mariana Mamba, research a pharmacy booth with the laser & bio-tanks. You will now be able to interrogate her on the new infirmary chair.

* Katerina Frostonova’s weakness can be discovered in Siberia.

* Jet Chan can be defeated at Objective 7 after you capture his mentor in North China.

* Dirk Masters’ weakness becomes available as an act of infamy at Objective 9.

* John Steele cannot be killed. You must have him in a cell when you end the game to defeat him.

* Avoid ending the game while sitting in your inner sanctum chair to avoid a possible glitch.


Addtional tip - if you dont capture the maid and keep your minions out in the world stealing, there will be no agents appear to stop you. Only once you capture and interrogate the maid, will enemy agents appear. That means you dont have to use cheat codes, to build up a good chunk of cash :)


Here's A Tip-

Build time clocks. By using these you can always man a room, or deactivate it in the case of a power emergency.


Pro tip, if any of your Mions thinks about deserting, you can easily persuade him to change his mind, if you capture him or kindly knock him unconscious with your guards, and if you think he is very fast you can always double click on him while he escapes, and he immediately He will pay his respects to your villainous majesty even though he has just resigned from your organization, this will give you precious seconds that will make your even loyal minion can reach him and "convince" him not to leave them, dragging him to a comfortable cell.


Protip like "red Ivan does more damage to you, than to the enemy"


This game man! THIS GAME! I used to play it so much! Its awesome!


Tip: when you see a minion with very low loyalty, hit him with the capture tag. 30 sec in the holding cell will restore every stat except health and then you just release the minion. Same with minions that's already making a break for it - as long as you can catch him before he escapes, he'll go back being a good minion after a stint in the holding cell.
Not sure if this is a feature of the unofficial patch but why would you not play with the patch?


Make every space of every room theoretically accessible. If there are any rooms with no entrance or inaccessible furniture in your rooms agents gain the ability to teleport into them.
Spam traps that deal Int (yellow) or perception (pink) damage in and around every entrance with their trigger mechanisms buried deep within your own high traffic areas. It's very easy for your minions to recover these types of damage with no ill effects and it makes agents and tourists much less effective while producing no heat.
A simple wind trap that blows everyone in a hallway out of your base into your casino entrance areas where your social minions are is incredibly low heat and quite adept at stopping all but the most powerful agents.
Use only low ranked minions to steal, the world map is a much more dangerous place than your base and the small amount of extra income you get from high ranking minions doesn't offset the increased heat and casualty rate you get from sending them.
A hotel with nothing but a maze of level 3 doors and remote triggered popup traps will stop many agents and tourists for days at a time.
If you've got a massive minion clog due to tired/distracted minions move in your genius and execute some random construction worker to heal up the other minions stats. Keeping your Genius in your busiest break room also helps.


I am so eager for EG2. Being able to build in multiple levels really is an important upgrade


Get the community patch, it fixes a lot of quirks (like letting minions actually walk on the rug you can loot) and makes a lot of items more useful (like the sentry gun).

Hold the CTRL key when tagging an agent for death or social flumoxing, and the whole rest of his squad will be tagged likewise. A good way to quickly deal with incoming soldiers.

Snipers' habit of always carrying their rifle on them can be a godsend. I've had them take out burglars from halfway across my base through two open doors. The second island's terrain limits their usefulness outdoors a little bit, though.


Can't wait for when the game comes out later in the year, we do need something to help keep our mind off the circus that is this year, into a much better circus that will be Evil Genius 2!


YES ! !!! It is coming ! IT IS COMING !!

MWHA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA !!! A sequel to a game that made me giggle every time I booted it up and closed it down while going "aahh, yessss, this is peeerfect" and rubbing my 14-year old hands.

2020 sure is shaping up to be a great year for evil - both in real and virtual worlds. Evil Genius 2 and the Destroy All Humans remake are pretty much the only games I'm genuinely hyped for. Pretty much since last year, actually :)
Go-go Rebellion !! Deliver onto me a improved version of a game that should've been a franchise AT LEAST as grand as Dungeon Keeper !


Bit late to this, i would advise for a somewhat better expirience to get some mods, specifically the speed up time and Unnofical Planet Evil Patch that make the game so much better.


I'm soooo excited for this! I LOVED playing Evil Genius over the years. My jaw hit the floor yesterday when I discovered Evil Genius 2 was on its way.


F for everyone who didn't last the 15 years to play Evil Genius 2


I don’t know if this ever got fixed with a mod or unofficial patch, but never have more than 1 fire extinguisher. Valets will reserve fires even if they have to run the entire length of your base to reach it, preventing closer valets from putting it out. So letting a single valet handle the whole fire is actually quicker than having multiple valets attempting to work on it.


Fun fact: maid says “Pomogite” while in cell(Help in russian)


Desertion? Theres no such thing. When you get the alert someone has foolish chosen to desert, click innit, and it brings up that minions character panel. Set them for capture, and press return to repeatedly zoom in on them. Whenever you do, despite trying to flee your complex, they will stop and salute, giving your other minions plenty of time to best the snot outta them. Once captured and placed in a holding cell, the cell will refill all stats to maxed before slowly draining them until the die. Once the stats are full, they start banging on the door like anyone else. Simply release them, and since their loyalty was refilled, they'll go right back to work.

Particularly useful in high level minions that would take a while to replace


4:30 There is actually a cheat to give you one of every minion type (and henchman). It's Ctrl + A
