My WCUE OC's Last Words

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This is my first video with a drawn warrior cat :D.

#wcue #warriorcats #wcueedit #videoediting #warriorcatsultimateedition, how my wcue oc died, wcue ocs last words, warrior cats, edtiting
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One of my many OCs froze to death as a apprentice, her name was Icepaw, she was sent out hunting alone during leaf-bare. A snowstorm started and she could see, she tried curling up under a bush, but it wasn’t enough, her last words were, “I’m sorry, I tried to be part of the prophecy. S-so cold, I’m sorry.”

Turns out, she was part of the prophecy, just not the part most remembered, the prophecy was.

“When snow collides with Ice, one will fall. Four kits born in a unlucky season, will rise to save the clans.”
Bad way I wrote the prophecy I know haha, I did my best.


One of my oc’s (i forgot the name) died by saving a kit from a fire in windclan. His last words were: “ run, dont look back, dont dare look back, this time i wont follow you, so dont turn back for me” truly emotional that rp was😭👍


'Run, the lot of ya. Run' He spat. [Died to a fox, giving the clan enough time to leave] that's my favourite OC. Rest in Peace Black'fall.


“This is the last time….

right dad?”

That hit hard.

Edit :D bruh I didn’t realize this comment got so many likes 😭


My OC: Honey`Whisper/Star: "Ebony` can't save me. I'll finally be able to breathe..."(Greencough)

Backstory: HoneyKit was the runt of the litter, the youngest of 2 other kits, FallenKit and ThornKit. When they became apprentices, everyone, including HoneyPaw's mentor, WillowStorm, excluded her. Acted like she was nothing, just a spec of dust. But a few moons after they became warriors, RavenStar died. So MeadowNight became MeadowStar. And HoneyWhisper was selected as deputy. She wanted revenge. "Look at me now! I'm deputy!" she bragged. "MeadowStar was just being nice!" FallenHeart rolled his eyes. But those who cared for HoneyWhisper was the medicine cat, EbonyFern, and ThornFeather. Then MeadowStar died and HoneyStar was born. Soon she caught Greencough. She was in the medicine den with EbonyFern and she tried her best, but she failed. That's where HoneyStar's final words came in. And ThornFeather was in to much grief, and she ended up unaliving herself to be with her sister. "I'm coming, Honey, " those were ThornFeather's last words.


I have a few last words I wanna share:

SmokeFur/Star: “You may be the only one who ever loved me, my whole life I have been looked down upon, called a monster, a nuisance… heh… but I guess that’s normal by now, still, I just wanted to live my life… so thank you NightStep….”

BurningSnow: “Hah! You said I’d be dead within minutes with these wounds… but it looks like we matched eachother! I’ll be back, don’t doubt it, see you in the dark forest”

CoffeeNose: “SorrowFang, I will miss you deeply, tell the kits I love them”

GlacierFall: “My work is over… your clan is broken and destroyed. So kill me! I’ve been waiting for this day anyway!”

WaspGaze: “I’m just sad I wasn’t able to see our kits grow up… other than that? I have no regrets. Take care GoldenTree”


Nearly started crying at the.. "This is the last time.. Right Dad?.. "


Felix/ex-kittypet ( killed by his older brother shadow for betraying him by escaping from the two-legs and leaving him behind ) shadow: “ Any last words? Or do you surrender and want to come back with me? “ Felix: I would rather die in honor, than go back to being a kitty-pet slowly rotting away, brother. Shadow: Very well.. (Felix then gets thrown off a cliff and breaks many bones.) “His family never saw him again..”.
( also forgot to mention Felix had 2 lovely kits and they later discovered their fathers dead body while their mother was teaching them how to hunt. )


‘ this is the last time.. right Dad…?’

It almost made me cry. It hits hard. :(


The last one hit hard— and the second last one— great video


I think one of my saddest morph deaths was my apprentice, nightpaw. She had joined thunderclan in hope of a fresh start, and new friends. However, she was disliked by other apprentices and warriors for her rogue heritage, and unalived herself a moon after being in thunderclan. The clan regretted their actions, though. Nightpaw ended up joining starclan, and watching her clan from the sky of endless hunting.


“You won’t have to wait any longer for me..”- Kestrelflame’s last words before she unalived herself with the false hope of being with her kits in Starclan.


One of my favourite OCs died from protecting her kit from a shadowclan warrior and her last words were "Let the kit live and take me down..." Which the shadowclan warrior did let the kit live, but obviously, the warrior took the kit with it to the shadowclan camp and gave it to the closest queen for her own.

Jewel'Spell (dead queen)
Vine'kit (the kit)
Stone'Alley (the warrior)
Whisker'Lawn (shadowclan queen)


“I have made so many mistakes in my life, but I know you won’t do the same. Goodbye, Skypaw.”
Whitemoon, my main characters last words. She died by protecting her kits, Skypaw, Cormorantpaw and Thistlepaw, from a cat who was trying to kill them after wandering off on their own.


My oc: Muddy’Print
Died: Saving the med den from foxes
Last words: Fern’Paw from this day you will be known as Fern’Shadow, you will save the lives of those I died to protect and continue as the medicine cat for Windclan.

Backstory: Muddy’Print hurried back to the med den to check in on the patients. ‘ Fern’Paw? Where is Honey’Cloud?’ ( A patient ) Muddy’Print looked around to see a pool of blood spreading from the corner of her eye. She turned around to see foxes surrounding Honey’Cloud outside of the med den. ‘ Fern’Paw get the others to safety!’ Muddy’Print slashed the foxes eye and told Honey’Cloud to save herself. ‘ But you’ll be fighting all them by yourself!’ Honey’Cloud told her. Fern’Paw looked in shock to see what her mentor was doing! ‘ Muddy’Print!’ Fern’Paw tried to warn her as a fox slashed Muddy’Print’s thigh. Suddenly the deputy and some other warriors came and scared off the foxes. ‘ Muddy’Print!’ Fern’Paw dashed to be by her mentor. ‘ Fern’Paw from this day you will be know as Fern’Shadow, you will save the lives of those I died to protect and continue as the medicine cat for Windclan.’ ‘ Muddy’Print no!’ Fern’Shadow cried as her mentors body became cold.


Ima say my kits ocs death right here, nice drawing ^^

Stone’kit [6M] - | her mother [ jay wing] would panic and run to the medicine den, looking at her kit to see if she was still breathing, once she got to the medicine den she’d pant “please save my kit! She was drowning and this could be fatal”. The medicine cat [ Owl’Tree] would look at the kit “sure thing, kits lives matter regardless”. Jay’wing would lay her kit on the nest and curl around her and comfort her. Stone’kit would start to see a light, owl’tree would try to pick out herbs but it was too late, stone kit reached her paw to her mothers face “love you mama, don’t forget me” she’d smile then pass, Owl’Tree and Jay’wing would stare as tears filled their eyes|
Fluffy’kit [3M] - | The fox would push away Fluffy’kit to a vine, causing loads of scratches as fluffy kit would start crying as her neck was tangled, the fox would also start scratching fluffy kit, luckily fluffy kit was able to get out of the vine and claw the fox. The fox would able to bite her paw as fluffy kit was about to scratch its face for the second time and bite it off. Fluffy’kit knew it would be the end at her short life “Mama would beat your little fat a-“ then close her eyes as the fox would bite her head (yes that was not realistic 😭)
Rainbow’kit [2M] - | Hawk’talon (the deputy) would smirk, she was about to finally commit a murder crime. “When are we at this special place!” Rainbow would mew in excitement. “We are here right now my dear, the gorge, and so you’ll also go in it” Rainbow’kit would tilt her head as all for a sudden she got threw into the gorge, she banged her head on one of the rocks then another and land on one more rock then started to drift down the river, blood filled the river and it was too painful, Rainbow’kit couldn’t even do any vocals. Rainbow’kit landed on the shore as she was dying as a flock of seagulls surrounded her and start eating her “MEW!” Was the only thing Rainbow’kit would say. She’d pass as a seagull pecked her eye

Thanks for reading my absolute sh stories


My oc: Nightstripe/Star

“ We have a clan meeting. “ announced Nighstar, forgetting about how the old Windclan leader she murdered used to say it, suddenly, Thunderpaw spoke up, “ Don’t think we forgot about what you did to our old leader. “
“ Admit it, Nightstar. “ growled Sunfur.
“ Guys! “ shouted Thunderpaw, “ Get her!!! She’s a murderer! “
The clan deputy, Treesap, got up on the rock, pushed her off, jumped back down, and sliced her open!
Blood gutted out her stomach, “ You will pay! “ she gagged, she was on her last life, too. “ you will regret this! “ she coughed, blood poured everywhere, she stopped moving, she stopped breathing. Nightstar was dead.
“ she’s…dead. “ meowed Sunfur

Cause- Ripped Open By Deputy


OMG I love the art! it's amazing!


“Storm’Cloud” he was a black cat with a tail that went light orange to black he had every power was in a family of hunters mostly known in thunder clan
Death:attacked by rabid wolf that the hunters caught
Last words were:”this was my last fight I didn’t win but at least the last thing I saw was my beautiful mate”


You're ocs are so cute!!! I love the dialogue!!! My version with my warriors ocs: blood'moon: ki11ed by his own daughter "i will be back! And you all will di3!!". Dapplepelt: died from drowning. "I'll miss you...thornscar." thorn'scar: died from a fox attack. "Its not my time yet!..."
Pineclaw: was pushed off a huge cliff. "Dapplepelt!! Help!! " white'heart: died from sickness. "Whitepelt, take care of ghostkit for me...dear." black'kit: got shoved off a highrock "mother! Father!-" willow'star: ki11ed by blood'moon "HAHWHAHHAH! BLACKKIT DESERVED WHAT I DID!" Scrap: died from food poisoning "goodbye.."
