Markus Greiner - 'Ultracold Atom Quantum Simulations From Exploring Low Temperature Fermi Hubbard P

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Stanford University
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
4:30 p.m. on campus in Hewlett Teaching Center, Rm. 201

Markus Greiner
Harvard University

“Ultracold Atom Quantum Simulations: From Exploring Low Temperature Fermi-Hubbard Phases to Many-body Localization”
Ultracold-atom model-systems offer a unique way to investigate a wide range of many-body quantum physics in uncharted regimes. Quantum gas microscopy enables us to “zoom in” both, in space and time, on a single particle level. We can explore many-body quantum physics in regimes that are not computationally accessible. In my talk I will present an overview of recent experiments, including the first observation of an anti-ferromagnetic phase of Fermions in an optical lattice, and the observation of many-body localization.
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wish I knew what all of these vast names and terms stand for... unfortunately I don't however this video is useful in its own right. As it's given me a great example of something and best of all proved my father incorrect about multiple scenarios. Perhaps if more people where willing to release information upon the internet we would figure things out far faster than these tedious week - year long web searches. Also I do ask of anyone reading this t please ignore my awful grammar i'm tired and I was not a very big fan of grammar class.
