React Select AutoComplete from API | how to build a live search component in react
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Today's topic is how to create an autocomplete dropdown in react that loads the data from an API and show the results to the user. We previously talked about react-select package to build awesome dropdowns in React. Now it is time to make it more powerful by adding autocomplete ability. You'll see how to add this package to your reactjs app, how to get the data from the server using javascript fetch API, and add an animation to our dropdown to make it a fancy live search component.
00:00 Introduction
00:28 Project demo
01:32 Project setup
02:35 Adding react select to the project
04:32 Loading data from the api
09:07 Adding animation to react select
10:18 Customizing react select appearance
Useful links:
React-Select setup:
React-Select website:
ReactJs crash course:
Programming with Masoud website:
00:00 Introduction
00:28 Project demo
01:32 Project setup
02:35 Adding react select to the project
04:32 Loading data from the api
09:07 Adding animation to react select
10:18 Customizing react select appearance
Useful links:
React-Select setup:
React-Select website:
ReactJs crash course:
Programming with Masoud website:
React Select AutoComplete from API | how to build a live search component in react
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