How to plot multiple line on same graph in #python using matplotlib library in 1 minute.

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HI , I am Akshat Modani
In 1 minute will be seeing how can we plot a multiple lines on a graph in python using matplotlib library .
Steps :-
1.Install matplotlib library on your machine using pip install matplotlib in cmd
2. Import library in Jupyter for use
3. Create lists for points one list for all x - coordinates and another for y - coordinates of first line .
4. Create lists for points one list for all x - coordinates and another for y - coordinates of second line .
7. Like this you can create as many list of x and y coordinates and plot them on same graph .
In 1 minute will be seeing how can we plot a multiple lines on a graph in python using matplotlib library .
Steps :-
1.Install matplotlib library on your machine using pip install matplotlib in cmd
2. Import library in Jupyter for use
3. Create lists for points one list for all x - coordinates and another for y - coordinates of first line .
4. Create lists for points one list for all x - coordinates and another for y - coordinates of second line .
7. Like this you can create as many list of x and y coordinates and plot them on same graph .
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