How I Use ClickUp as a Small Business Owner & Vetted ClickUp Consultant (A Day in the Life)

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Whether you're new to ProcessDriven (welcome!) or a regular visitor, you may have watched a few tutorials and thought, “but how does ClickUp really function when everything is in place?” Like any new process or workflow, establishing a system requires a front-end time investment. You want to know if it’s worth the effort. We don’t blame you!

The good news is that once set up and customized, ClickUp continues to benefit not just you but your team and the whole company. In this video, Vetted ClickUp Consultant, power user, and ProcessDriven CEO Layla Pomper looks at the role ClickUp plays in her daily activities and answers the question, how do I use ClickUp as a small business owner? 

Here's what we'll cover:
00:00 How I use ClickUp as a Vetted ClickUp Consultant
01:20 A Day in the Life in my ClickUp
01:24 (6:00am): Morning ritual
02:12 (7:15am): Clear my ClickUp Notifications and respond to emails
03:43 (7:52am): Start working on my Task List in Home
04:13 (8:00am): Prep for my first meeting
07:12 (8:12am): Create short-form content for the channel
10:11 (9:15am): Meetings, meetings, meetings!
12:12 (2:15pm): Lunch break
12:22 (3:00pm): Work on my Documentation (SOPs) tasks & connect them to our big-picture goals
14:36 (3:12pm): Maintain our in-house consulting program, Consult in a Click™️
17:49 (4:54pm): Time for a fun task
20:48 (5:30pm): End of day ritual

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I know this tour moves a lot faster than our tutorial content, but I hope it provided some inspiration! Is there an area where you'd like to dig deeper into?


Thanks for this video, super helpful especially using goals as a list (not the goals area!) Definitely need a CARS tutorial please! That looks awesome!


I lol'd @ the trusty Notepad! So glad I'm not the only one who still uses that on a regular basis 😂


WOOOOW I was just looking for a video like this. Thank you Layla!! Loving your newsletter as well, the SOP tutorial has been so helpful and a game changer. Keep up the great content❤


Layla, do you have any books or blogs or related that inspire you for the "process driven" part of your brain? My ADHD brain LOVES what you do, but I can't imagine how to begin to get started. We use CU at about .001% of it's capacity. I see this video and my mouth is literally hanging open in awe. :)


Your videos continue to get better and better. Thanks a lot!


"Hi Layla, as a solo entrepreneur new to using ClickUp, how can I effectively leverage its features and functionalities to manage my one-person business and optimize my workflow?"


It is so much fun to watch these and to see you progress as a business owner Layla. I always am taking notes on things I still should be doing after running my store for so long. Life would have been so much easier in many ways if I had something like Clickup to use and thought to take the time to write down the processes. Sadly, while my Atari 800 was fine for accounting, it didn't really work well for organization other than to make lists.


Layla, a big thank you! First time commenter, but been following for the past few months as I work through catching up on the ProcessDriven vault while keeping up with new additions. For me, this video is easily in my top five favs thus far and vying for the #1 spot. 🤓👍

Would love to a deeper dive into your Strategy & Leadership space. Also, if you would be willing to share if you ended up deciding to do your budget planning in QuickBooks or just a spreadsheet set up as I'm currently debating on chipping up for the a higher tier QB to get the budgeting module, but not yet persuaded if it is worth the price.

One more ask. I see "Fence Shaking" in the label for your Lead Gen space. I haven't come across that term before. What does that involve? 🤔😊


Im actually using clickup 3.0 but seeing your videos I miss the old version. haha


Hi, Layla. My colleague and I LOVE and ADORE your videos. One question for you: have you run any of the public-facing ClickUp forms you use through a web accessibility checker (such as Webaim's)? There are quite a few areas where ClickUp's forms do not meet accessibility guidelines (WCAG) and we've been pushing to have ClickUp fix these issues, not only because it's just good practice but because of the risk of legal issues. Have you found any workarounds? I could provide more details but was hoping you'd have tips or more info.


Hi Layla. Could you make a video explaining how to backup you Clickup, especially your SOPs? If you have all your SOPs as taks, how are you currently backing them up?
Thank you!


Loved this video, Layla! I especially enjoyed the explanation of why things are set up the way they are. I noticed that there is a Growth Projects folder in the Operations space and a Growth Projects in the Strategy space. Curious, about what the difference is?


this was great! I love the team meeting plan you have! is that a template in the membership yet? if not, could it be made into one or could you do a tutorial on that? it's where I struggle a lot and would be so helpful! thanks~


Would love to see how you delegate tasks and project tasks with the timeline you showed. I’m having trouble with tasks that get lost or not having clear objectives for team members to find


Can/did you touch more on the 'Processes' list vs. SOPs? We are really struggling to implement daily processes like project manager daily and weekly checklists, etc.

Thank you!


Hi Layla. Is there a way to track Forecast Budget x Budget spent on a dashboard?

Great video. Why are you using tasks for note taking instead of the doc view :-) ?


Speaking of budgeting 20:00 I would love to know how to budget time for tasks so that at any given week we can see where bottlenecks are happening and can project how far out the onboarding wait list might be for new clients. Is this a thing?


Hi, i thought you were moving from click up to smart suite? Isn't it the case?
