100 matches with monored Leyline of Resonance to test if it actually is overpowered in Standard

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What's the best deck for getting into mythic fast? Is monored a good deck to rank up? How to win on turn 2 fast? What's the fastest way of getting to mythic rank in Magic Arena? Is the current Standard play best of one ruined by the mono red leyline deck? How to win in Magic: The Gathering on the second turn now that Heartfire Hero, Cacophony Scamp, Leyline of Resonance and Callous Sell-Sword are in the same deck? Should you mulligan to get Leyline in the opening hand?

A lot of players wants to know the answers to the questions above to cheat their way into a higher rank with a simple to play deck. Is the Leyline red bad and should be banned? Does it feel like an exploit? But more importantly, is the deck actually good or just cheesing fast matches? I played 100 matches after the rank reset to test how fast I would rank up and if it's actually a way to cheese into mythic fast.
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