MADONNA Madame X- London Palladium Disaster- Madonna Cut off for being Late & Claiming 'Censorship'

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MADONNA Madame X- London Palladium Disaster- Madonna Cut off for being Late & Claiming "Censorship" - I realize Oxana wasn't there she just reposted a video but others have stated Madonna finished at 11:15 suggesting they gave her 5 minutes & an extra 5 minutes till 11:10.
#Madonna #MadameX MadameXTour MadameXLondon #Palladium #thelondonpalladium #AndrewLoydWebber #Irise #madamextheatre
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I was in the audience for Madame X on 5th Feb. We got the full playlist, slightly less choreography but tbh we only knew that because Madonna told us. There was a minor late start and allowing "I Rise" to be performed as scripted would have made 5 minutes difference. In any event, Madonna and cast burst through the curtains, onto the stage, and performed "I Rise" acapella. So, the show still finished 5 minutes late.

Even when the Palladium enacted the curfew, closed the stage curtains, switched on full house lights and turned-off the speakers and mic ... the audience did not rush-out for "babysitters" or whatever. Everyone stayed and enjoyed the spectacle of Madonna's impromptu acapella performance. A thunderous standing ovation.

But you had to be there to know.


I love Madonna but, for the first time a venue is calling her out for her (lack of) punctuality. It's also amazing how some of her fans have lack of clarity and justify it. Being late over two hours and getting out of a concert around 1am is not good. I don't care who they are!!!


Living in London and going to a lot of shows. The 11pm curfew is odd there are cinemas theatres, clubs and shows going on past 11pm.


I was present on 5th when she was cut off and she was on stage until about 23.15.


She needs to start taking responsibilities, if she can't be on time and that shortens the show she needs to give partial refunds. Love Madonna but being on time isn't beyond her control when she asks for money her tickets she doesn't get paid less than what she asks or can one purchase her tickets and then decide they don't want to pay full price. I'm sorry but this time she does need to get sued, she's not giving a full show due to her inability to comply with the contract.


GOOD. I'm glad they closed the curtain on her, she needs to be brought down a peg a two. she has no excuse for not starting on time, it's not like they needed to put the stage together or anything, she's still at the same venue, so no excuse


Totally agree with the theatre. There is a curfew! She really needs to respect her fans more and don't blame anyone else.


Hey Steve. Thanks for making the video. One point though, you quote Oxana a couple of times as an eye witness, but she was not there. She's currently in NYC, prepping to fly to Paris. Curtain came down at 11:10. When they had all got through the crowd after I Rise and exited it was exactly 11:20.


I commented on IG “Bravo to the theater” and the Queen replied that I should stay home and rest


Everyone has to follow the rules. It is ridiculous. I can no longer understand her behavior. ⏰🕘🕚🤦‍♂️


Recent yes she says rape alot. Now she says censored


Did notice she reply to someone u should of stayed home its not for you


0 mins. is fashionably late, actually every single show of any artist is up to 20.30 mins. late. 9 is all but late. She cut some pieces of the show due to injury to fit the time frame. Let's not split hairs over5 ridiculous minutes. And nobody but UK has curfew and nobody ever complains.


Madame ❌ Tour disaster worst Tour of her career


Great reading, hope you get better at working computers and getting dressed, your hats on backwards
