EcoEcho: Superluminal antigravity Phase Harmony healing protoconsciousness awareness force revealed

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I discovered this concept from simple music theory as the secret of the Logos and also nonwestern meditation healing energy! I called it "sound-current nondualism" in my 2000 master's thesis but I had not quite grasped the noncommutative secret. Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes explains that the truth of music is noncommutative since 2 to the 19th approximating 3 to the 12th is 3 to the (1/19th) approximating 2 (to the 1/12th) as noncommutative time-frequency, more dense than the real number spacetime continuum! Connes calls this "two, three, infinity" and this means the truth of geometric length is actually the future and past overlapping as nonlocal time-frequency that has no symmetric rest frame geometry! This truth can be practiced as the secret of the Logos from the Book of John, the Amen or Aum or Aion as it was called in ancient Greek philosophy - of light.
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