Shiloh Dynasty Playlist.

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00:00 - Loosing Interest
02:52 - Soft Skin
05:01 - I Don't Want
06:48 - I Know You so Well
08:47 - I'll Keep You Safe
10:46 - Imagination
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one thing about this style of art is the song doesn't really make us sad, what makes us sad is the memories we regain and what we imagine as we are listening.


a few years ago, i came VERY close to losing my dad. like so close that i still cry till this day about what would've happened if he didn't take himself to the hospital that morning. doctors stay he wouldn't have woken up to see the next day, and during those long weeks he had to stay there under a deep sleep, i listened to one of shiloh's songs everyday (i know you so well) and in my head his songs just became very sad to me and i never wanted to even see his name because it reminded me of yk..
but i came across this playlist a little bit ago and realized how his songs are not sad at all and it was just me and the energy that was around me at the time. his music is actually more calming and soothing rather than sad if you ask me. i come back to this video often and each time i do it helps me let go of that memory of me mindlessly crying and replaying one of his songs over and over in my room and out of my mind.
he has great music and im glad i realized that soon enough.


Who else listens to depressing or sad songs cuz they are so calm and peaceful


Me and my cousin were both 24, grew up as brothers since we was babies, same class in primary and secondary school and went same college together. Passed away this month. Was my best friend, no one closer and now he’s gone…..

I like tho listen to this and just reminisce on our times together fr, I carry our memories together alone now. Miss you brother.


Listen to you guys stories while enjoy this playist it's really something else
If anyone have been go through tough time in your life, I wish you all the best


I recently broke up with a wonderful boy and I loved them with all of my heart, I feel like a burden after all of this and I can't stop listening to music like this. I find it calming to me... I don't believe in love at this point. If I had been a bit more careful I probably would of never been in this situation I hate myself for this.. I should of been better I AM such a useless person and don't deserve a place on this earth.


This is the music I can fall asleep forever too


This reminds me of when I was in year 5 because I was obsessed with Shiloh these songs don’t even make me sad they just remind me of loads of things I usto like in year 5 lol proper nostalgia


Ты меня не любишь, не жалеешь,
Ты беспощадно и холодна
Когда я не хотел отношений
Передо мной явилась ты
Как мимолётное виденье
Как гений чистой красоты


¡Hola extraño!

"No te conozco, no me conoces a mí, pero puedo preguntarte una cosa? ¿Puedo pedirte confíes en mí lo suficiente como para escuchar lo que digo a continuación? Lo sé, soy una desconocida en Internet, lo que digo no te importa, pero por un momento, ¿podemos fingir que importa? Solo por un minuto lo prometo.

Si todavía estás leyendo esto, gracias por confiar en mí! (incluso si no lo haces, gracias de todos modos) Quiero decir que estoy muy orgullosa de ti. Estoy muy orgullosa de ti y de todo lo que has hecho. Estoy tan orgullosa de ti por levantarte, incluso si no hiciste nada más que despertarte y acostarte en la cama. Todavía estoy muy orgullosa de ti.

Probablemente estés pasando un mal momento si estás aquí, tal vez estés al borde de un ataque de ansiedad, o simplemente sucedió un pensamiento intrusivo que te hace sentir como una persona terrible, o nada de eso y tú solo te sientes deprimido.

Así que solo quiero pedirte que traigas un poco de amor. Te lo mereces. Si tienes energía, báñate. Tome sus medicamentos, si los tiene. O simplemente acurrúquese en una manta y descanse la cabeza. Te mereces todo en el mundo, te mereces todo el amor, todos los descansos que necesitas, toda la comida que comes, toda el agua que bebes y todo el aire que respiras.

Me alegro de que estés vivo hoy, Estoy orgullosa de ti por escuchar esto para calmarte. Estará bien. Te lo prometo, todo estará bien. No está bien ahora, lo sé. Sé que no lo está, pero lo estará. Con el tiempo, y espero que sea lo suficientemente buena motivación para
que sigas adelante otro día."

Si alguien ve esto, o lee hasta aquí. Solo quiero que sepa que lo/a quiero y espero que tenga un gran día. <3
Atte: Una entidad con depresión tratando de ayudar a otros.(comentario sacado de otra canción)


Ayo tbh, 2021 I use to listen to shiloh's songs for comforting reasons, cus it's always me. But I'm here yet again, cus 'till now It still my fault. Nothing has change.


You know what, I miss you so much. I wish you didn't have to leave.


imagine listening to this while floating in pool
completely isolated with no worries


This song just gave me some peace to my heart


listening to siloh songs really helps me to sleep😴


I love peaceful songs because it makes me feel u stressed and it calms me down after I get rejected by a girl that was my best friend but she didn't know I liked her so I asked her out she said no


Shiloh Dynasty got me through my math exam, thanks


After countless years of you pain. You can learn how to make the worst days shine with positivity


This type of music is so soothing and helps me to sleep it is so helpfull cuz i have a sleeping proplem💕💕🕛🕛


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