ONE Realistic Change for EVERY Overwatch Hero

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Overwatch doesn't make sense in a lot of places, so I created (at least) ONE change that would make sense in real life... or is just funny...

I got tired of doing tier lists, so I made all of this in the Overwatch 2 Workshop. Thinking of doing a How to Basic with the workshop now that I know how to use it again.

My Favorites:
0:00 Intro and Ana
0:41 Ashe gets a Concussion
2:23 Doomfist me
3:12 Echo mimics enemies
5:23 Kiriko Smoke Bomb
7:51 Pharah Rework
8:12 Ramattra Zenyatta Fanfiction
8:34 Immortal Reaper
9:13 Sigma friendly fire?
9:55 Hacking Soldier
12:35 Zenyatta goes to heaven

Workshop Code:

Discord Link:

Super Cool Guy who helped me:

Рекомендации по теме

1. Make sure I can actually make it
2. Be nice to others
3. Try and have it be realistic or funny

Also, I am not going to make guns one shot (unless there is a good reason). It ruins the fun of the gamemode :D

Also, also, I know my microphone still makes noises. This is *partially* a microphone issue, but it is **MORE** of a me issue because I can't stop the clicking that gets picked up as of this moment...


Brigs inspire should uninspire enemies and reduce their damage output. Idk I think it’s just kinda funny


When you use Symmetra's TP, a dead copy of your character model stays on the entry point, but you appear alive on the other side. The reasoning for this is that the TP doesn't actually teleport you, it instead creates a copy of you on the other side and destroys the original.


I'd be interested if you could make Orisa walk during her ultimate although at reduced speed.
Also heroes should be able to ride her into battle.


Sombra being able to disable voice chat would actually be a pretty interesting little gimmick in normal modes


What if Sombra can unhack friendly omnics? Since she’s knows how to hack I just thought that she would know how to undo it too


Ive had the idea that Torb should be able to heal armor health for a while, love seeing it actually in game!


5:23 While they were developing Kiriko, they actually did think of making her Suzu a smoke bomb. But they came to the conclustion that 2 Kirikos existing with a smoke bomb would be too much visual clutter, and stuff. So they decided to stick with her whole nature/supernatural theme


Honestly love the whole Omnic system you have. The stuff involving Sombra and Torbjorn is genius. Genuinely wish it was part of the game.


I think that for genji pulling out his sword whenever, in the dragon cinematic, it shows parts of his suit releasing some kind of pressure, almost like the energy of the dragon sword is too much energy to handle. hence why he can only use it during his ult and not whenever he wants. just something i noticed lol. love the video :)


Hanzo idea, make it so that enemies hit by his normal arrows get slowed (because they have a massive arrow sticking out of them) and they have to press something to take the arrow out, but when they do they start bleeding out until they die or get healed

Some ideas for most heroes:
*Soujorn:* • Instead of giving Soujorn a "carpet burn" (she has robotic legs, I wouldn't see why she would), make it so that her speed is nerfed after her slide ends. I feel that the cybernetics in her legs would need a cool down / maintenance phase after she slides across things like contrete and having jets propel her movement. (sure, you could say that the energy from the jets might burn her, but why wouldn't her legs be flame retardant if they're meant to do that?)

• To offset the effect of her slide, make it so that it applies damage to anyone that she slides into, as well as have it apply a reasonably timed knockdown effect like Reinhardt's Earthshatter. (I sure would fall over if someone slid at me with rocket legs.) Make it apply to allies as well, if at all possible.

*Genji:* • Give Genji his wall climb and double jump back. Seeing as most of his body is robotic, it's not out of the question that his legs likely have some sort of propulsion to them and his feet and hands are equipped with climbing spikes or suction/magnetic grips. _Instead, _ make it so that he recieves the same effects as Omnics when hacked by Sombra.

(I can't really think of anything better for Genji, since allowing him to use his sword whenever is honestly good enough.)

*Kiriko:* •Instead of simply throwing down a smoke bomb, make it so that she has a temporary version of Sombra's cloaking, allowing her to reposition behind enemy lines, or when there's no cover for her to hide behind.

*Soldier:* • Instead of just making his ultimate virtually unusable, give him a level of temporary blindness after his ultimate ends. I'd imagine the on-screen effects of his visor would leave him a little dazed.

*Widowmaker:* • Again, instead of making a pretty useless ultimate even more useless, make it so that she can ONLY see the heat signatures of enemies (and maybe allies) while everything else is blotted out or obscured. Real heat vison always looks weird, and anything that doesn't give off heat pretty much blends in with everything else. If you wanted to take it a step further, make it so that when activated on a map where the sun is present, everything is blinding, and she can't see for a short duration when the ultimate ends.

• If you wanted to be really cruel, make it so the enemy team also knows where Widowmaker is at when she uses her ultimate.

*Symmetra:* • Instead of instant death, make it so that her teleporter has a chance of teleporting you to somewhere random (even into environment kills). Or at the very least, make it so that instant death only happens maybe 10-25% of the time. Surely teleportation technology can't be as perfect as she claims..

*Mercy:* •Now as much as I like mass resurrect, I feel like the current version of it is a little too easy. Instead, make it so that when she resurrects one person, they do become a zombie, but they can also _infect_ other players (enemies and allies) with a very small damage aoe if possible with the workshop. That way, zombie players have to consciously isolate themselves from their teammates while also having a reason to charge at the enemy (to infect them, and die again so that they lose their zombification.)

*Moira:* • To make DPS Moira an even worse problem, make it so her primary fire and damage orb also works on teammates. I wouldn't put it past her if she began sucking the life out of her allies. At the same time, she should also be able to heal enemies with her abilities (maybe other than her ultimate) if they happen to get in her line of sight or in range of her health orb.

*Zenyatta:* • Instead of having him die at the end of his ultimate, make it so that he does no damage or amount of healing until he's killed. Essentially, when he becomes enlightened, he stops participating in the battle because he's set aside all of his earthly ties (even the responsibility of healing his teammates.) Instead, maybe make it so that he emits a passive healing aura much like the payload during escort. We could say his state of inner peace heals people like Lucio's music.

*Zarya:* • Instead of an instant kill AOE, maybe make her gravity surge last longer, and increase the range of its pull-in effect. The closer people are to it, the stronger it becomes, until they finally touch the black hole.. THEN they get insta-killed.

*Roadhog:* Temporarily decrease his speed and damage to simulate withdrawal / the side effects of using unstable drugs after using his self heal.

*Winston:* Make it so that his heart attack comes into effect after his ultimate ends like Zenyatta's. Just so that his ultimate can be used. I also liked the idea of having his electricity buff Omnics and Cyborgs!

*Orisa:* • Maybe not as realistic, but wouldn't it be funny if her javelin spin and ultimate would actually make her slowly ascend when aimed up and used respectively?


The dva one is so good, I always thought it was crazy she was immune to it considering the area and damage it does


Make Lucio's music get quieter, and therefore weaker the further your allies

Make him "fall over" if he stops too suddenly

Make Winston "charge" omnics and genji with his Tesla cannon, giving them kitsune rush or nano boost or something like that, but charging the same character for too long overloads them and they die

Genji no longer deflects bullets, he just cuts them up, and make it so he can "parry" melee attacks, stunning his opponents

Not sure if this one is possible but make hanzo not have infinite ammo and make him have to "pick up" his arrows from where they landed, as in if he hits an enemy with an arrow he has to go and take it outta them with a quick melee or just getting close to them.


You’ve just effectively made Orisa an electric fan


Symetra's gun should have an overheat mechanic, once it's fully charged, its like microwaving someone and because she is holding the gun. She is probably also cooking her hand at full power.


Hanzo idea: When Genji is on his screen (team or enemy), he will forcibly look away from the Genji as to not acknowledge Genji's existence, just like how Hanzo refuses to accept that the cyborg is still his brother in the Dragons cinematic


Cassidy's high noon should make everyone stop for 3s and he can shoot manually, if the bullet hits, the target dies
basically a time stop, but cas can't move because he's concentrating, or basically just red dead dead eye


Ideas (Not sure if all are possible, but could still be interesting):

All of Symmetra’s abilities + primary/secondary fire have reduced damage but also slightly blind enemies since it is light.

If Hanzo is being hit by any sort of energy based/electrical attack, his arrows will automatically charge into Storm Arrows.

If Sombra uses Hack too many times in quick succession, she will be stunned and suffer a migraine due to overworking herself.

Widowmaker’s Venom Mine no longer affects Omnics, but also creates smoke like Kiriko.

If Mei is in an Ice Block and falls onto an enemy, the enemy dies.

Zenyatta’s Discord Orb causes even more discord within them if they are part of Talon, causing them to not be able to differentiate enemies and teammates, and also have a migraine (like the Sombra idea) after every kill/assist.


Keep Genji’s wall climb and double jump but when you double jump as him, the fps camera keeps perspective so it flips when he flips during double jump. Also do the same with Cass roll if you can
