JB Pritzker: 'Grew Up'

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MK: I grew up in South Dakota and I spent every summer on a small farm in Beatrice, Nebraska with my grandparents. When I meet people here in downstate Illinois, I feel so welcomed in this community because it is so familiar to me. Ever since I’ve known JB, he’s always been this way. He really loves people. Really enjoys meeting people. I really believe it’s a part of who JB is. JB really understands that the best natural resource of the state of Illinois are the people of Illinois
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JB and MK are people to whom honor and decency still mean something. Thank you, Pritzkers for all you've done and continue to do. Two very fine people. Thanks for fighting the good fight. 💖


A well-spoken, intelligent woman! I know how glad she is that JB was victorious and is working hard for Illinois 😊


I think Pritzker grew out, not grew up. As soon as my wife retires from her job, we're out of Illinois and high property taxes.
