HE ONLY - STILL WORKS??? World of Tanks

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A year ago World of Tanks nerfed HE rounds HARD - today I question if it's still playable with ONLY HE playing the Object 277!

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was the HE nerf a move to get more people to use MORE premium rounds because it would be nearly pointless to take HE?


70% wanting derp heavies with impenetrable armor on high tiers to be less broken? I can understand that.
70% wanting what they implemented? I highly doubt it.


This video showcases (almost) everything I hate about WoT and why I've stopped playing. Unbalanced, corridor maps. OP reward tanks slinging gold. The HE nerf. Idiot team mates. All adds up to make the game nowadays a frustratingly bad experience.


Oi! The HE rounds still do some damage. Time for another nerf comrade! Oh, and while we are waiting for it to happen, take a look at our newest Russian super heavy with 4 barrel auto-reloader, impenetrable armor with pneumatic wheels and light tank-like top speed.


Most garbage change ever. Atleast using 105mm on the jumbo was fun, now it's garbage.


When QB does more damage with HE that I do playing with all I can...


Ah, the legend is back. The legend...known as...HE-man.


You should try this on the 60TP . I wonder how is working now with HE with 60TP


the HE nerf is still the worst update to WoT I've experienced in my time playing. just took the fun out of the game


For me the only derp gun that’s still somewhat worth it is su-152, compared to kv2 it reloads much faster, everything else is just fucking dead thanks to this rework, I do have fun in wot here and there but I miss the days of just using a derp tank and relaxing


I used to carry half HE and half STD rounds in my Scorp G, the idea was my gold rounds were bouncing off the heavily armored T10 tanks but if I supported my HT and fired 10 HE at the enemy I could do 1000 to 1500 damage and perhaps help turn the tide in favor of our guys. When they nerfed HE that no longer worked.


Nerving HE took so much fun out of the game. I used to love driving a Sherman, or a T34/85 with the howitzer mounted. Now, it's just not worth it anymore.


The AMX 50B at the beginning of the game was thinking, great I'm stuck next to this idiot shooting HE. We all think it when we get those teammates.


We all know the statement that 70% of player base want these changes is one big lie, but there is more!

Let's not forget the video on the official WOT EU YouTube channel which listed the following reasons for HE Sandbox launch:

1. HE shells should be more predictable.
2. HE shells should be more usable on smaller caliber guns.

So, fellow tankers, I am asking out of pure curiosity. How predictable do you find the re-balanced HE rounds after 1 year of playing? I, personally, have no clue if I do 20 or 220 damage to a heavy tank's turret with my Leopard... Also, I have no clue if the FV4005 is going to one shot me or do a flat zero damage when hitting my track! How is that predictable?!

Also, talking about lower calibers. How many HE shells do you carry on your T67 or M10 RBFM when go have some fun in those lower tier battles? I carry none on all guns below 85 mm, because they are even more useless than they were before the so-called re-balance!


Before the changes, I went with trying to use the 105 on the Easy 8.

I honestly would love those numbers you got while doing this. I'm happy if I get over 4000 with damage, block, and assist combined.

You did do a lot of damage. A lot of shells to do it but impressive. In the long run, multiple hits that papercuts to death or having half your piercing shells bounce, doesn't sound bad. As long as you know weak points and have enough rounds.


WG is a liar, may be 70% of op tank players unicums only cried for HE nerf


Yea sure 70% of the whole playerbase wanted this changes back in the day biggest lie
Most of the playerbase complained about this HE changes but Wargaming like Wargaming never listen anyone


The HE nerf, which was to push even more gold spam, was the point I pretty much stopped playing WoT. The whole hull down meta is boring.


Yeah, pretty sure that '70% of the player base' was a massive lie WG produced, because no matter which battle I participated in, forum or meetings with other clan leaders, in all of them the vast majority of the players were AGAINST this change. Of course the nonsense with the 60TP stopped and many bots stopped using that type of ammo but it made the arty class useless unless there's a T92, which significantly affected the light tanks' role, making the battles and powerful hulldown monsters even more ridiculous.


Should do an experiment where for one stream you play with ONLY AP(or whatever standard round the tank has) to see if using literally 0 premium rounds works in 2022.
