Два дня ДИКАРЯМИ на птичьем острове. Рыбалка с ночёвкой. Фидер. Лещ. Щука. Overnight fishing Bream
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Рыбалка на незнакомом водоёме, это ещё пол беды! По приезду, на всём берегу, не нашлось свободного места! Выходные, жара. С одной стороны отдыхающие и рыбаки, с другой, дачи и все подходы к воде захвачены в собственность, а въезд в лес запрещён и что делать? Обплыли на лодке всё озеро по периметру, вариантов остановки нет, кроме одного! Посреди озера, в окружении воды, оказался небольшой островок, на котором сидели десятки, а может и сотни птиц, и нам, ничего не оставалось, как согнать их с этого места!🤗 Там мы и провели дикарями два дня, отрезанные от суши и людей! 👍 Купались, загорали, отдыхали, ловили рыбу, гонялись за щукой, выкармливали леща, знакомились с местными обитателями острова, бобрами и птицами, и сняли для вас новое видео. В общем, смотрите и наслаждайтесь атмосферой нашего отдыха! Всем ни хвоста ни чешуи!
While the child was in a holiday camp, we were tied to one reservoir in order to be in time for fishing and visit our son. The lake near the camp turned out to be unfamiliar to us, but this is half the trouble! Upon arrival, on the entire coast, there was no free place! Holidays, heat. On the one hand, vacationers and fishermen, on the other hand, dachas and all approaches to the water have been seized as property, and entry into the forest is prohibited, and what to do? We sailed around the entire lake on a boat along the perimeter, there are no options for stopping, except for one! In the middle of the lake, surrounded by water, there was a small island on which dozens, maybe hundreds of birds were sitting, and we had no choice but to drive them away from this place! 🤗 There we spent two days as savages, cut off from land and people ! 👍 We swam, sunbathed, rested, fished, chased pike, fed bream, got acquainted with the local inhabitants of the island, beavers and birds, and shot a new video for you. In general, look and enjoy the atmosphere of our holiday! All no tail or scales!
While the child was in a holiday camp, we were tied to one reservoir in order to be in time for fishing and visit our son. The lake near the camp turned out to be unfamiliar to us, but this is half the trouble! Upon arrival, on the entire coast, there was no free place! Holidays, heat. On the one hand, vacationers and fishermen, on the other hand, dachas and all approaches to the water have been seized as property, and entry into the forest is prohibited, and what to do? We sailed around the entire lake on a boat along the perimeter, there are no options for stopping, except for one! In the middle of the lake, surrounded by water, there was a small island on which dozens, maybe hundreds of birds were sitting, and we had no choice but to drive them away from this place! 🤗 There we spent two days as savages, cut off from land and people ! 👍 We swam, sunbathed, rested, fished, chased pike, fed bream, got acquainted with the local inhabitants of the island, beavers and birds, and shot a new video for you. In general, look and enjoy the atmosphere of our holiday! All no tail or scales!