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Finding themselves in great obscurity after the great disaster they have experienced, Nana and Yusuf nestle into the city's dark streets to hide from the trouble that follows them. Trying to get used to their new life, Nana and Yusuf are tracked down by Zehir and are helped by Poyraz, a man they never expected.
Poyraz, a fearless young hood man, offers a new life to Nana and Yusuf. Will Nana and Yusuf, who have nowhere else to go, accept Poyraz's offer? Will Nana and Yusuf, who have no one but each other, be able to hold on to life again?
Directors: Oğuzcan Denizhan, Nuh Şen
Cast: Nik Celilay, Nanuka Stambolishvili, Tolga Sala, Yaprak Durmaz, Berat Yusuf Özkan
Script: Başak Yazı Odası
Production Karamel Production
Finding themselves in great obscurity after the great disaster they have experienced, Nana and Yusuf nestle into the city's dark streets to hide from the trouble that follows them. Trying to get used to their new life, Nana and Yusuf are tracked down by Zehir and are helped by Poyraz, a man they never expected.
Poyraz, a fearless young hood man, offers a new life to Nana and Yusuf. Will Nana and Yusuf, who have nowhere else to go, accept Poyraz's offer? Will Nana and Yusuf, who have no one but each other, be able to hold on to life again?
Directors: Oğuzcan Denizhan, Nuh Şen
Cast: Nik Celilay, Nanuka Stambolishvili, Tolga Sala, Yaprak Durmaz, Berat Yusuf Özkan
Script: Başak Yazı Odası
Production Karamel Production
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