iPhone 15 vs Galaxy S24 Long Term Honest Review

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Phone 15 vs Galaxy S24 Long Term Honest Review - Hello all and welcome to my long term in depth coverage of Apple iPhone 15 and Samsung Galaxy S24. In this epsiode we will break down design, display, software, performance, and all the other features that matter to help you decide which is going to be the right smartphone for you. If you have or had either iPhone 15 or Samsung Galaxy S24 please consider sharing your experience with the community down below in the comment section of this video! As always, thank you for watching and be sure to be well and peace.

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Video Chapters:

Intro: 0:00
Price Value: 0:24
Design and Build: 1:47
Display: 5:37
Display 60hz vs 120hz: 6:47
Software: 10:07
Performance: 14:10
Cameras: 16:03
Battery life: 18:23
Audio: 20:00
Phone call quality: 20:36
Final conclusion: 21:23
Which I would choose and Thank you for watching: 24:42

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Disclaimers: All opinions are my own and sponsors are acknowledged.
All products reviewed on this channel are paid for by the content creator, "Nick Ackerman." If a product is given by company, sponsored, or is a paid advertisement or endorsed by another business entity or brand, this will be explicitly stated in the video and in the description.
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iPhone 15 vs Galaxy S24 Long Term Honest Review - Let's discuss which has been the better price point after owning both all year! Share your thoughts, experiences, and enjoy the video :)


My s24 has replaced my laptop. All i carry is my phone and wireless earbuds. I'm out in the sun all the time, the screen is impressive while in direct sunlight. Love the feel of the flat sides too, easier to hold watching content.


This thing about being polished is old school now mate, all phones are pretty much polished from all the big brands... Samsung, Apple, Xiaomi and even google now. All are also easy too. Privacy, well they all take your data and nothing that uses the internet is private lets be serious...companies are getting a lawsuit against them every odd year now. Great video!


of course iphone 15 is more power efficient, you compare 120hz with 60hz. come on


Bruh the s24 with gen3 is a gem.. incredibly compact device and beautiful


This is literally the video I was looking for, long term performance of those two


iPhones are super polished but Androids are super fun is no longer a valid statement I guess.. Androids especially Galaxies and Pixles are super polished as well along with being super fun. I personally have been using Oneplus 12 for past few nonths, it's been super snappy and smooth.


There are days when my S24 drains insanely fast for some reason. But usually a 2-day battery on light to moderate usage.


I've decided to switch to the iPhone 16 Pro Max this year after using the Samsung S22 Plus for 2 years and 6 months. Unfortunately, my experience with Samsung took a turn when a green line appeared on my screen—a common issue among users. To make matters worse, Samsung expects me to pay a significant amount for the repair, which I find unacceptable. This experience has been a real eye-opener, and I believe it's important for others to be aware. Moving forward, I've chosen to go with iPhone, a brand I now trust more for reliability and long-term value


120 hz is my first priority when I buy a phone!


iPhone 14 Pro here. My first iPhone and have enjoyed it thus far! Gonna keep it till it gives out! 😂


I think besides the 60 vs 120hz which is a pretty big deal, LONG TERM, I’d take the iPhone. App quality is just a lot better. Can’t tell you how many top line Android phones I’ve owned and devs just slap some generic Android version of the app or don’t even support it for Android. Also wearables too, just got the Galaxy Watch 7 Ultra and had to switch back the AWU, but not because the watch was bad, the Galaxy Watch just HR sensor doesn’t detect tattooed people like the Apple Watch does (the only option is turning off wrist detection but doesn’t help the HR sensor).


if this is a long term user review then why your iphones battery cycle count is 9 only?


If I had to choose, I'll pick The iPhone 15.
Yeah it comes with a 60hz display and it doesn't have the telephoto lens but the S24 sadly comes with the Exynos chip in my region which is alone a deal breaker.
Also iPhones are known to have better apps optimization and they are consistant when it comes to the camera which makes up for the shortcomings of the iPhone 15 at least for me.
I'm not saying that they shouldn't add a telephoto lens or a 120hz panel, of course they should especially the 120hz (because having a 60hz display in a phone that costs that much is a crime). what I'm saying is that the advantage of the iPhone 15 over the S24 is more important to me.


6:16 that little bit makes a big difference to a lot of people


We already know you're an Iphone Fan, 😂😅


There is playstore logo pop up on samsung. Is that a bug or something else?


I would say buy the iphone if you need the better camera and buy the samsung if you need a more customizable UI with more functions. Also the samsung feels smoother due to 120 hz.

Im a s24 exynos owner btw


60hz is a no for me, even though the phone has great performance, I mean can’t go back to 60hz anymore it hurts my eyes.


in Estonia both phones have the exact same price and both phones always cost the same though sometimes apple Estonia gives out some things that make the phone cheaper
