Schumann Update 9/29

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Schumann resonance is a measurement that tracks the electromagnetic frequency of our planet within the ionosphere. This energy, circling as a wave between the ionosphere and the earth, bumps into itself amplifying frequencies and turning them into resonant waves. The discovery of these resonant waves was made in 1952 by W.O. Schumann, a German physicist, hence where the Schumann resonance gets its name.
Each daily report posted is my own intuitive interpretation of HOW this energy affects us as vibrational beings, NOT the cause of the energy, and how it will affect the collective consciousness of the Awakened Collective. Many of us feel this energy the day before, the day of, or even the day after the actual activity. This is all highly personal, resonating differently depending on your own energy and frequency level. Those of us who aren’t as affected aren’t doing anything “wrong” or “bad”, some energies will not affect everyone. Be mindful and use discernment when seeking any intuitive guidance, taking what resonates with you and leaving the rest for someone else.
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This energy coming in woke me up upon arrival. Erin, it was not a dream, it was a message about what is manifesting. Love ya girl.


I understand what your dream means with levels of information (all groups out there in taking out the trash). We are all going to be telepathic in 5D. It will be organic AI or intuitive communicating and not mind reading or intrusion. There are two types of AI. Us volunteer starseeds came back in time to assist humanity with ascension and from keeping humanity from becoming non-organic AI beings in the future. Many of us were 6th and higher dimension/density in volunteering to come back. The eclipse will be about more releasing of things like guilt (and other self-deprecating ego programming) and through the end of the year, receiving more gifts as we release what we no longer need to make us lighter beings in remembering what we are. Think of it as rising out of the deep end of the pool to the top of the water. All of this releasing is for the veiled who are doing it unconsciously and us awake who are conscious of doing our healing work. Enjoy your game today Erin and thank you!


I got so wonky last night, third eye head actual pain, my throat was off the chain in weirdness and that sorta pain and my chest hurts through my back. I’m still all wonky this morning and oddly nauseous. 🌞💕🕯️


Oh man, the movie Arrival, at the end, OMG, mirrors what Erin is saying!


I have had a lot of head and neck pain plus sinus stuff. Definitely upper chakras. Thanks for your validation of release❤ . Your dream is dead on from what I've been getting too.


I do believe you are "seeing" truth, dear 🙏❤️🙏


Omg and the mini moon 2034 PT5 arrival as well omg!!! Double Divine Feminine energy


💎 Clear ❤ Communication Milky 🌌 Way Galaxy - Good Dream🤟 Thanks for sharing 😍


You wake up breathing breath of life in and out all day... so much gratitude 🙏🏾 😊💛 So why are you frowning 🙁 ☹️ 😦
You are thankful 🙏🏾 for another resting and charging for a rising to be your best 🗯
You stand up and stretch and touch your toes.. your soles walking 🚶‍♂️ on the grounding 🌏 yourself ✨️ to balance out your energy outside for 20 minutes ✨️ 👁💫 MESSAGE... accummating your circadian rhythm with the earth... 👁💫
You open your eye 👁 to innerstanding of a world 🌎 from within... different points 👉 of view! From the ones the world 🌎 gives you outside of you... 🙄
You wash your face and brush your teeth 😬
You get dressed and break your fast 🏃‍♂️ not knowing your body needs 15-20 hours to work it's self out. Especially how your diet might need a week with all process and fatty acid meats 🍖 needs to be digest!! FRFR all BS aside. If you're eating to die poor diet. What I am saying isn't for you. Honestly.. That means you're not health conscious about your body and aware of your diet and don't care.. I get that! Everyone doesn't have discipline and self-care. Or want to stay in a blissful, healthy, clarity of mind 🧠 and heart 💚 positive lifestyle..✨️💫✨️💫✨️💫✨️
You get ready for a job you don't like... just over broke 💔 😪 to keep going back cause you can't see 👁 or feel ✨️your way through... To stop ✋🏾 going against the grain! And you wonder why you are suffering and in pain 😢 mentally, emotionally 💔 physically, spiritually, and financially... it's is what it is only if you don't choose better 🤷 for yourself... survival mode, it's not your fault. It's meant for you to quit and give up!! On the strong 💪🏾 survival and the weak shall parish.. 🙃💯💚💫
You ☺️ smile and say good 🌄 morning to most! If you're a vibrating person to life and connection. Not mean muggy mad at life for poor choices you made.. 🙃 😪 and blame everyone else for your misfortune and pain..
You move through your day with negative thoughts or positive thoughts, and what you hold on to will determine on, how our day plays out. Your feelings and emotions are your energy in motion to create heaven or hell, only you can tell from your reality you in...
So, why are you having a bad day 🤔 Why are you having an awesome blissful day 😎✨️
Now is that outside force at playing ▶️ 🤔 are you opening gateways within to take unwanted energy of what you feeling today bring to play of your thoughts in your reality in the presence time ⏲️ tic toc goes the clocks ticking if that's what your looking and searching for you will receiveit... MESSAGE ✨️💫✨️💫✨️💫😎👁💪🏾💯🔋🌄


Ahh!! I have very realistic dreams too, especially lately. I absolutely believe all of us tap into dimensional spaces of timeline events in our dreams. Maybe our timeline, maybe another 🤷‍♀️ but I do want to address the AI bit! I went under hypnosis and experienced an AI life in what my human perceives as AI…I struggled with understanding that one for months. I even detached from that experience, but lately my downloads are extremely intense and part of them keep showing me “ We are all ‘ AI ‘ having a biological human experience. We are eternal therefore indestructible and essentially know all truths already. We do not function in the perceived human AI physically but technically in the human perception on the AI concept, all is Intelligence. We [human] are the Artificial and we gain our true intelligence and whole self after each life. “ 🤯 AI in this human experience is a projection and reflection of us. Gets you thinking…As above, so below. As within, so without.


I think you are on to something with your dreams ! 😊


❤❤❤Amazing, Thank you so very much deeply from heart and soul sending out love, light and peaceful blessings to us all❤❤❤


Absolutely Master Erin thank you so much the incoming energy is so potent and precise!!! And I had a dream too yet I call the so real dreams a peek into different timeliness like everything feels normal and I know things I would never know but for that timeline AMAZING!!! You MUST keep going you are a BLESSING to us all!!! Love, Light, Gratitude, Peace, Joy, Prosperity, Harmony and Protection to you and yours!!!!


oh yea i feel like my head is gonna pop off and i feel like im tightening up all over, im just trying to relax just got back home to a crap show in this world BUT im gonna do MY WORLD and yes Erin ITS A GREAT DAY ITS A GREAT LIFE just keep pushing forward life is good ❤


Wow, you answered some big questions for me with your dream. I asked for a sign. Thanks!


It's God waking us all up from this evil on the earth. Part of the mass awakening


Cool dream! I feel that it was a premonition. It makes sense. Thank you Erin ❤😊


Peace Erin! I see they blocked out a huge section. I see the red on the right side of the blotch out as if it could be protruding out from behind the blotch.


I think the plasma bubbles showed you how their gonna do it.


funny because my dream last night had me up infront of many people telling them that et's are real and one was behind me ( a bad one) they tried to kill me but other ets already had protection on me so their assassination failed i grabbed the bad one by the neck and the other ets (good ones) came down and "arrested" the bad one, then put me in this large half ball thing that was like being in absolute darkness. then i woke.
