Tall Fescue Pros And Cons

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Turf Type Tall Fescue is a very popular cool season grass type and it makes for a fantastic lawn if you know the pros and cons going into it. Today I'll share with you my experiences with this grass type so you can better choose if it's right for you!

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How nice of the new homeowners to allow you to keep making these videos in your old shed 😂


These grass type videos are great. I have tall fescue in my yard have watched this a few times to understand my grass type better


I am DONE with KBG here in Colorado. The newer Tall Fescue is fantastic. Even mid winter it stays pretty green even compared to KBG. Its an amazing grass. I cut it at about 2.5" and its doing great.


After getting our new pool and patio I couldn't decide on what type of new sod to have installed. I knew nothing about grass and almost got one of the warm season grasses until I just randomly went with a tall fescue blend. It's perfect for our Sacramento climate. It stays dark green 10 months out of the year. I can keep it really tall so it has that thick flat top look which also suppresses weeds naturally. Yeah it gets stressed in our 100 degree summer heat no matter how much I water it. But it quickly recovers by September. After two years with this sod there still are no bare spots or dead patches. I haven't even had to overseed or apply any herbicides, weed killers and only lightly fertilize in early spring and fall. The grass is well behaved and doesn't escape into planting beds. It doesn't even need that much watering since I cut it high and mulch cut. So glad my guess of taking tall fescue worked out well.


100% I have some older TTF in my yard as well as the new TTF I’ve laid down over the past 2-3 years and there is such a big difference in terms of texture (a positive one). Much softer than the course ones of the past.


I have used your Tall Fescue mix for the last two seasons and it is great for here near Philadelphia PA! Also, your wife it the best customer service rep ever! HAHA!


I just bought a bag of knorr elite tttf grass seed. Plan on using it in section of my front yard that gets a lot of sun & overseed my backyard.


That old shed studio set up was great. Looking forward to seeing the new setup at Westberry.


Here in Germany I also chose tall fescue and Kentucky Bluegrass from icl pro Select thermal Force. Great color, good leaf structure with exceptions and very robust.


HI Ryan. Just bought bag of seeds from your website. Ready to overseed some of my "bald spots" this spring and property overseed in the fall. I have a video suggestion: there are so many different fertilizers out there that it is difficult to say which one to use (ratios on the packaging are different for each fertilizer i pick up and i have no idea what im looking at). It would be helpfull to understand how/when to apply fertilizers with different ratios. Thanks! great work!


Finally a video on tttf.. lol. They all have their pros and cons


I used to be a huge KBG guy but newer TTTF is my favorite now by far. Ive been using Snapback from United Seeds which is amazing.


Thanks for the great content Ryan! Can’t wait to plant your Perennial Rye grass this year!


Ordered a bag last week. Looking forward to doing some overseeding this week. Just hope our summer is not as dry as last year.


tall fescue has a beautiful color to it


Grabbed a bag. Going to phase out my rye to tttf hopefully it will hold up better to the heavy foot traffic.


What height do you recommend cutting TTTF before winter?


I live in Ventura CA. I had medallion plus sod installed 2yrs ago. I overseeded with the same seed last year. I was going to buy more but found out the vendor closed and also medallion plus was discontinued. I have heard that it was a 90% tall fescue and 10% bluegrass. I have loved the look, color, and texture all year round. Can you please help me find a seed that will blend and perform as close as possible. I love you videos and trust your advice. Keep up the great work!


Not sure what your experience was with fungus (brown patch) this year (2023) but I stayed on top of mine by alternating Propiconazole and Azoxystrobin on a 30 day rotation. I do this every year, and my fescue lawn has never looked better. When I bought the house 7 years ago, it was a mess of brown patch. I bought a 21 gallon sprayer and can do the whole lawn in about 38 gallons (always at the highest distribution rate). Fescue is an amazing grass to have considering drought resistance, and the small amount of fertilizer it needs. Did I mention no thatch? Overall having had immaculate lawns with kbg and fescue, I would go fescue just to mitigate the back breaking work of de-thatching.


RTF is the new hotness IMO, but I like your reviews. Best of luck with all you do and blessings be upon you and your kin.
