Checkride Preparation – Creating A Binder – AeroGuard Flight Training Center

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Getting ready for a checkride can be a nerve-racking time, so it is important to be as prepared as possible. At AeroGuard FTC, we have a proven system including a checkride binder to ensure that students have everything they need at their fingertips, helping them to be confident, ready for success, and ensure the checkride is not canceled or discontinued.

The AeroGuard system and binder collect all applicable information ahead of the checkride including copies of certificates, government identification, paper backups of the IACRA 8710, and copies of the student’s written test results, along with instructor endorsement for any deficiencies, with supporting ACS codes. The binder also includes all maintenance records to support that the aircraft is airworthy and legal to fly.

This is just one way that AeroGuard students are positioned for success, ready to impress their DPE and prepared to pass their checkrides.

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Thanks for your time and effort in putting out these videos....super helpful! New subscriber 👍🏼


Can you expand on the maintenance items you include in the binder please?


There is a checklist for the checkride binder right?


Ok so is this a part 61 flight school also?
