LittlePianoSession #3 - Kylie (Improvisation) |BigRicePiano

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#RelaxingPiano #MusicForStudying #NostalgicPiano #BeautifulPiano #SadPiano


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Hey guys,

it usually is like this: I get inspired, I compose, I upload and then I disappear for half a year until I get inspired again.

The sad truth is: most of the melodies that I come up with never get the chance to be heard by someone. I had so many sessions, hours and hours of playing the piano, thousand of melodies and still I was just uploading half a year.

So that's why, I've decided to upload some of my melodies and improvisations that I find lovely but not good enough to be shaped into a whole composition. With that being said, I WILL make mistakes while playing those improvisations, so please bear with me. ( ˙ω˙)

So I hope you like this idea and prepare for a whole lot of upcoming uploads. If you haven't subscribed already, now is the time to do so. :3

And why Kylie, you ask? Kylie is the name of the protagonist of a story my girlfriend and I came up with some time ago. The story never made it to chapter two, but this will do it justice, I hope. :p

- Big Rice
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Put my playlist on shuffle and up came this song. Even 7 years later this still makes me smile.


can't sleep.. so instead of sleeping, I'm listening to your music.. ♡


I love this, i also love your shirt lol. I cant wait for your new pieces :)


Mit welchen Keyboard spielst du die Stücke ein und mit welchem Programm nimmst du sie auf, bzw. bearbeitest sie?
Würe mich über eine Antwort sehr freuen :)
