3 Days of INCREDIBLE FLY FISHING! (BIG Brown, brook, and Rainbow Trout!)

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I spent 3 days fly fishing for big brown trout! It ended up being the most insane 3 days of fishing I've had in a long time!

It’s finally spring, or I should say it finally feels like spring… and that’s my favorite time to start looking for big brown trout. Between the hatches starting to pop, the suckers and chubs running up rivers and creeks to spawn, and the water warming up there is no better time to be fishing. What you’re about to watch is 3 of the best days of fishing I’ve had in a long time. Welcome back to another episode of Hardman fishing adventures.

Yep, I lost a big one. Which happens from time to time… especially when you don’t retie after catching a different big fish less than 45 minutes prior. But after that, the last hour of fishing went by pretty much uneventfully. I mean I caught probably 5 or 6 other fish, but all of them were rainbows. I think a catch and cook is on the list of videos I need to do next month.

So this video was shot over the course of 3 weeks, So I’m not sure if this next day I went out was the next week or a few days later because I didn’t keep track of the actual days. But as you’re about to see, it was just as incredible as the last.

Somehow I was able to actually land all of the big fish I hooked on this particular day, something I had failed to do on day 1. It’s amazing what happens when you learn from your mistakes… and when you use 4x instead of 5x tippet.

Day 3 of fishing was the warmest day I had fished. The sun was high in the sky but so was the water was also high. I don’t usually like to target brown trout in these conditions but I figured since the fishing had been so good I’d still be able to find one. Luckily I was able to catch one big brown trout and even lucked into a golden trout!

I hope you guys enjoyed this longer form video. It was a lot of fun to put together and I caught a ton of trout from brook trout, to brown trout, to rainbow trout, and even found a golden trout. Thanks for watching!!

#troutfishing #outdoors #flyfishing #fishing #relaxing
Рекомендации по теме

I'm Japanese and your wonderful video inspired me to start fly fishing. I would like to try it in America someday.❤


I cannot fish anymore, but your videos remind me of the pleasure that I experienced while fishing in beautiful Nature. Thank you.


Another nice video as always.

Loved you stressing for fishermen to help keep the rivers clean and healthy at the end of the video.


Are you able to show your flies and how you’re fishing them? As a beginner I’m very interested in seeing set ups and how they’re fished. Thanks!


What a great video. I just love your play-by-play on the river, it's as entertaining as the great fish you caught and chased. Beautiful golden trout. Thanks!


Great fishing. Watching from northern England where the rivers are very similar. Love your nymphing technique, it's uncomplicated. You are 100% correct about nymph depth being the only thing that really matters. Good that you've prompted some comments about wild/stocked; it gets people thinking about ecosystems and the longer term future of our rivers. Tight lines Jon.


Super beautiful nature! Quality time! Great vid! Thanks!


Incredible water. Cartwheeling trout. This was really entertaining to watch.


Your videos have inspired me to fish dry dropper rigs at the very same stream my dad and his brothers used to fish when they were kids. Love catching the wild browns and native brookies!


I followed your tips from all your video and managed to catch a 25 inches brown trout thank you so much


Great challenge Jon. Thanks for the pic of Eastern Red Spotted Newt. Never seen on before.


Dear Sir, there are NO UGLY TROUT!! I fish the ADIRODACKS. All are a blessing. PS, trout live in beautiful places - it gets me every time. Also, I love your site. Thank you.


awesome videoooo that golden trout was incredible. so beautiful. many blessings tight lines always


I really enjoy the videos that you do!!! You and Davie mcphail are my favorites 💯


Jon, you are making the best videos on youtube! Love watching every one of them.


Jon, fun video to watch, keep it up BUDDY!!


Man what a great river!! The stockers do get old but a fish is a fish. Those browns though, amazing!! Great video, thank you.


Nice video, enjoyed the action! Those were very nice size fish you caught.


Love your vid man. They’re always entertaining to watch.


Great vid & fantastic action! If you're gonna catch stockers, at least hooking that golden makes it interesting. Gorgeous fish! Thanks for the detail on your rig. Agree about getting near the bottom, and overcoming the difficulties presented in heavy water. When you do that successfully, I think fish will eat almost anything. Also appreciate your reminders on the environment. Too many streams continue to get trashed.
