Deep Dive How to Configure a Shared WSUS Database for Multiple SUPs in SCCM

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In this video guide, we will be covering how to use a shared WSUS database for multiple software update points in SCCM. Using a shared WSUS Database is generally considered a best practice in well-connected scenarios since this offloads the vast majority of network impact if a client were to switch SUPs in SCCM.

Topics in Video:

Add "\\" to the beginning of Physical path in IIS Content virtual directly

- Change Authentication for Anonymous Authentication to use WSUS Application Pool Identity instead of local IUSR account

Commands and Notes:

- Powershell command to see WSUS installed role services: Get-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices*

- Powershell command to remove WSUS WidDB: Remove-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices-WidDB

- Powershell command to install WSUS SQL Database Connectivity: Install-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices-DB

SQL_INSTANCE_NAME and CONTENT_DIR should be changed to for your environment details

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Really appreciate the effort which you have put in for the community. Really liking the entire series.


Great video. This video shows modification from existing SUPs in SCCM environment. what if I want to create new WSUS/SUP and shared database. What all things I need to keep in mind before proceeding.


This is really very nice video. One question, We have setup one more SUP on our standalone primary site with shared wsus database. But now everytime the update souce in wsus options getting changed to the server itself. We need to manually change the update source to Microsoft update in wsus.


This is a great video. I have a question though, only because of dealing with this recently.

I was having an issue with the WSUS Cleanup Wizard not able to start when attempted to clean unneeded update files. I banged my head against the wall for a couple days before I called Microsoft. After we looked through everything, their takeaway was that since my WSUS was connecting to a network location for the WSUS content folder, that was why I was having the problem. They told me that the WSUS Cleanup Wizard is not designed to work with the content folder on a network share of any kind, it should be local. So, giving it the benefit of the doubt, I made the change to where we store that content. As soon as I put that folder local to the WSUS server, and it synchronized, the cleanup started and worked. Have you tested to see if WSUS Cleanup Wizard works to clean up unneeded update files with this configuration? I run a non-MS script for WSUS maintenance, but it still calls the Cleanup Wizard.


Couple of Queries:
1. Is there any difference between schedule sync and manual sync and
2. Will a schedule sync triggers a Full sync or Delta sync?

And once again, thanks a lot for sharing your experience with us...


Do we need to set SUP2 as downstream server if using Shared SUSDB and Content? Thanks for sharing!


Hey Justin, solid work as usual! Quick question for you... I'm setting up IBCM at a site (They're not ready for CMG yet :( ) and setting up the SUP role on the IBCM server, but want to configure it to share their existing WSUS SQL database on the primary site server which is running on Windows Server 2012. However, the IBCM server in the DMZ is running Windows Server 2016. Will there be an issue if I install the WSUS role on the IBCM server running Windows Server 2016? Thanks in advance for the assist!


If you wanted to use SSL is there anything that would need to be done differently? Do you need to set up SSL before or after, would it matter?


We are planning to create one more SUP role, the server is 2019 OS and primary SUP is on 2012 R2 OS. We need to use the primary SUP as upstream server to new one and share the Same database. Should both server have same OS version. If not what would be the next step


Might be worth noting that this cannot, and should not be done, on a Secondary Site SUP/WSUS - this will cause configuration issues
