Human Destiny with Bruce Damer

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Here he describes his interest in exploring the solar system. It began for him as a child in the 1960s, just as the United States was launching the Apollo moon program. He shares the sequence of events that led to his designs for vehicles that can capture and harvest asteroids and comets. However, a more immediate priority now exists with regard to planning for coming climate changes. He describes his intention to work more closely in the area of climate mitigation.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980).

(Recorded on May 20, 2019)

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I appreciate the time and care you have all taken to write commentary, post questions and challenges and suggest new avenues of enquiry through these wonderful conversations with Jeffrey Mishlove. I would like to propose a way to carry this on, in person, via zoom "Levity Salons" once or twice a month. A good friend of mine helped set up a "Patreon" page as he said that indeed I give out so much but there is literally no support coming in for my research or even much basic living costs. So, he says that Patreon is a good way to provide value while interacting with and receiving small support from a community of interest. So, the site is now live and thanks to the six of you who have already become Patrons. Any donations will go toward building the community and helping me make ends meet. The value you will all garner is a chance to live chat in Zoom sometime soon. So here it goes folks, my first ever promotion of a sort of container of support, I hope some of you will consider small recurrent donations at the $25/month Levity Salon tier and I can then put time into creating these live events up to twice per month... hope to see you there!


What an interesting guy. It is great to see people so enthusiastic and passionate for the work they do.


just when I thought that this Mishlove YouTube couldn`t get better


I do love these interviews. Thank you New Thinking Allowed !!!


Hi Jeffrey....I love your attitude and great awareness of everything! Thank You!


Thank you very much, thought provoking.


It all happend in 1969, like Bruce got his first bike....hh thank kind..


Thank you again Jeffrey and Bruce. But I plead with what remains of intelligent men, to think of what is happening to us. In short, if we are iron, then our "substance" is being mixed with clay, and at a rate that our dreams, of which you so excellently describe, will not be possible. I must use the word "substance" because the more accurate term is so painful to receive that the conversation, the thinking, and real solutions are continually ignored, and dodged, and glossed with temporary excuses, until one day the only dream we can hope to realize becomes nothing more grand than our next meal.


We can escape Earth's gravity, might it not be possible to escape the sixties???


I feel my short term mission in life is to offer to provide a version of the on-screen rainbow 🌈 logo without the black bounding box — with a transparent background so that it can be placed rotating anywhere. Think about it! Easy to do.


I'm a huge fan of Bruce (and Jeffrey). It's a bummer they sometimes draw out some crazy commenters. Preparing for climate catastrophes is of the utmost importance for humanity and it's so great to hear that great minds are talking and taking action. As Terence McKenna said we have a forward escape. Nothing lasts. I'm already eager for the next episode with Bruce.


Very interesting and topical interview. At the moment we have extinction rebellion here in the UK protesting in five major cities. They are demanding the attention of our political leaders to the changing global climate. Meanwhile... one of the Arab states is creating the world's longest indoor ski slope, at the desert's edge, surpassing their previous one which was finished in 2005. Maybe a jolt of severe climate change will help focus their attention too...


What a Wonder our technology is. Do you suppose we could use it to detox our environment? Do you think we the family of man can come together to end hunger, wars pain and suffering of our current human condition. Is there a technology that can restructure our conciousnes to bring our family together and work together so we can travel to the stars.


WOW !!
THANK YOU to both of you.
very enlightening and scary at the same time. Could this be due to all the nuclear bomb test we have done in the postwar era of the 2 world war.


So interesting. I know a dreamer of dreams who says that he has seen huge floods, famine, desserts where it was once green. The Buddhists say it gets so bad the human life span is ten years, then people wake up. So good to hear there's a chance we can adapt.


I've seen two young guys who sell bracelets made out of the trash they clean out of the oceans and beaches across the planet. They are two guys. Are there any enteties that could contribute to the oceans detoxing? The profitable part of this is we clean the planets lungs.


Biospheres, breathing masks and indoor agriculture may be needed sooner if Earth looses it's magnetic field due to core cooling.


Glad to see Bruce back on the talk -"switch(ed) over to the internet"- show! 🤗

While many thoughts came up during listening... and forgot them by the end of it (well, short term memory has got to do what it has got to do - not working properly 😂), I might sum his presence in as follow:


NASA has to create animation because their cameras suck? I don't know if I would be so proud to where their logo, besides, we already live on a beautiful spaceship.


come on you dont think we landed on a light do you
