Bacon Pancakes - Extended Version! (Adventure Time Cover)

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I've only seen a few episodes of Adventure Time, but when I heard this song, I was mesmerized by it's simplicity and catchiness, so I had to have more! The next evening, I sat down and wrote the verses and bridge to add to Rebecca's cute chorus. Hope you like it and stay tuned for more ocarina videos!

~ Chords ~
Verse: F, Dm, Gm, C7
Chorus: F, Dm, Bb, C7
Bridge: Dm, A, C, G, Bb, F, G7, C7

Wake up in the morning and there's one thing on my mind,
My tummy starts to rumble, couldn't help it if I tried.
There's so much stuff to do today, so we should start it right,
I need to get some nourishment, or else I'll start to cry!

I walk into the kitchen and I don't know what to eat
I'm trying to decide between a cake and strips of meat
But they both sound so good, to just make one would be a crime,
So, we'll mix them together and we'll have Adventure Time!

Bacon pancakes, makin' bacon pancakes,
take some bacon and I'll put it in a pancake,
bacon pancakes, that's what its going to make,
Bacon pancaaaaaaaaake

Turning on the stove and then it's time to grab a pan,
we need to get it nice and hot to make that bacon grand.
Be careful not to let the grease go crazy when it heats,
Or else it may just skip and hop and burn your hands and feet!

Now that we have our bacon, grab the pancake powder mix,
We'll need a cup of water, several eggs, a wire whisk.
You put it all together then you mix it in a bowl,
You grab yourself another pan and then you're on a roll!

- Chorus -

And now the moment we've been waiting for -
We pour the bacon in the pancake bowl.
We cook, and when the pancakes meet their end.
We'll gather round and do it all again!

- Chorus -

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who the hell disliked this masterpiece


I am a 28 year old married man and i still listen to this daily. You sir are a legend to me.


WOW this guy is a genius I dreamed of this for so long!!!


Это странно, но я перевела ее на русский. В рифму.

1 к.
Утром просыпаюсь с одной мыслью в голове,
Звук желудка отвлекает от насущных дел
День такой веселый - надо правильно начать,
Дайте что-нибудь поесть, а то начну рыдать!
Я иду на кухню, но настрой мой на нуле
Что мне выбрать: блин или полосочки филе?
Если взять и то, и то, получим высший класс,
Их смешай скорей, чтоб вышел Приключений Час!

Припев. (Блин с беконом и т.д.)

2 к.
Так что улыбнись и зажигай скорей плиту
Чтоб бекон обжарить, захвати сковороду
Не позволь огню забрать весь сок твоей еды,
Осторожней будь, а то не избежать беды!
Итак, у нас есть наш бекон, но только он один
Нам нужны вода, мука и яйца на блин
Возьми всё вместе и мешай, вложи чуть-чуть души
Хватай еще сковороду и дело заверши!

Припев (2х)

И вот, в конце концов, тот час пришел
Когда кладем мы в блинчик наш бекон
А если вдруг нам будет не хватать,
Пожмем плечами и... НАЧНЕМ ОПЯТЬ!

Припев (3х)


this is the best cover of bacon pancakes ever  


ERMAHGERD, didn't know you were so awesome in singing and playing the guitar, i love your videos, you're the best!


His voice to my ears is what eating bacon pancakes is to my mouth, stomach, and soul: Magical.


Honestly, one of the most awesome anything in the history of everything. Bravo.


One of the many videos of my wonderful childhood. Thank you David❤️


Loooolll ! Adventure Time !! J'adore ça ! Moi et mon fils on se régale de rire devant la folie de ce dessin animé <3 En plus de jouer parfaitement bien de l'ocarina tu sait aussi chanter et faire de la guitare !! j'ai vu le piano aussi !! T'es un puissant David ;) Bonne continuation a toi ami Ocariniste <3
Que l'Amour et la Paix te garde !


Wow the nostalgia ... I haven't seen your channel sense 2009 back when you were doing a lot of ocarina videos. I'm happy to see you're still going strong and as active as ever!


This is such a great cover! The extended lyrics were true to the style of Adventure Time, and you have an amazing voice. And some how, you managed to make this song even catchier...On a side note, I'm now hungry.


sound amazing, ... but epic at 1.25 speed anyone tried that?


I have this on repeat on the kitchen tablet every time while baking pancakes with my now 4 yo son. He can't get enough of the song for years now. Rock on 🤟


Bro, this brought a smile to my face! Never count the views, just look at the likes!
You are the next big thing, and all three thousand of us are behind you!


I tell you what. I have been singing this for weeks. The original sound clip from the show is my message tone and I've been singing it at work so much that I've got other people singing it. I love your collaborative effort on extending the song! You're amazing!


Strum pattern? Also this is adorbz <3


wow that was so amazing, you have talent my friend. I have been waiting for an extended version for SOOO long! It was fantastic!


something i love about this is that its so easy to sing along to even if youve never seen it before :3


I never realized Rebecca Sugar made this song.
