The Complete United Cutlery Collection Checklist: 'Lord of the Rings' Sting to 'The Hobbit' Orcrist

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The 49 replicas as listed by their United Cutlery Numbering System:
UC1264 Sting - Sword of Frodo
UC1265 Glamdring - Sword of Gandalf
UC1266 Witchking Sword
UC1267 Narsil - Sword of King Elendil
UC1278 Ringwraith Sword
UC1296 Shards of Narsil
UC1298 Hadhafang - Sword of Arwen
UC1299 Strider's Ranger Sword
UC1300 Sting Scabbard
UC1309 Uruk-Hai Scimitar
UC1366 Strider's Sword Scabbard
UC1370 Herugrim - Sword of King Theoden
UC1371 Elven Knife of Strider
UC1372 Legolas' Fighting Knives
UC1373 High Elven Warrior Sword
UC1380ASLB Anduril - Sword of Aragorn (LE
UC1380 Anduril - Sword of Aragorn
UC1382 High Elven Warrior Helm
UC1383 Helm of King Elendil
UC1384 Helm of Gimli
UC1381LTNB Legolas's Knives Scabbard Set
UC1385 Staff of Saruman
UC1386 Staff of Gandalf the White
UC1396 Anduril Scabbard
UC1397 Battle Axe of Gimli
UC1400 Sword of Boromir
UC1411 Gauntlet of Sauron
UC1412 Helm of Sauron
UC1414 Gondor Infantry Helm
UC1415 Walking Axe of Gimli
UC1417BL Glamdring Scabbard -- Blue
UC1417WT Glamdring Scabbard -- White
UC1423 Sword of Eowyn
UC1424 Sting - Museum Collection
UC1425 Glamdring - Museum Collection
UC1428 High Elven Warrior Shield
UC1430 Helm of Isildur
UC1454 Second Age Gondorian Shield
UC1457 War Helm of the Witchking
UC2595 Dagger of the Witchking
UC2598 Sword of Isildur
UC2614MC Sword of Samwise -- Museum Collection
UC2614 Sword of Samwise
UC2628 Bearded Axe of Gimli
UC2892 Hobbit Sting Sword
UC 2893 Hobbit Sting Scabbard
UC 2926 Hobbit Gandalf Staff
UC 2928 Hobbit Orcrist Sword of Thorin Oakenshield
UC 2942 Hobbit Glamdring The Sword of Gandalf
My script:
Hello, Kevin here with Castle Forged.
This video is a catalogue of everthing released to date By United Cutlery
For both the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit.
I hope it helps new collectors see what already exists.
And experienced collectors can use it as a checklist for their collection.
It is sorted by the United Cutlery Numbering System. Enjoy.
I most definitely mispronounced some of those But you're caught up. My next video will be similar. Instead of a catalogue by release date. I'm going to arrange the list by categories. Until Next time. Like if you like. And thanks for watching.
UC1264 Sting - Sword of Frodo
UC1265 Glamdring - Sword of Gandalf
UC1266 Witchking Sword
UC1267 Narsil - Sword of King Elendil
UC1278 Ringwraith Sword
UC1296 Shards of Narsil
UC1298 Hadhafang - Sword of Arwen
UC1299 Strider's Ranger Sword
UC1300 Sting Scabbard
UC1309 Uruk-Hai Scimitar
UC1366 Strider's Sword Scabbard
UC1370 Herugrim - Sword of King Theoden
UC1371 Elven Knife of Strider
UC1372 Legolas' Fighting Knives
UC1373 High Elven Warrior Sword
UC1380ASLB Anduril - Sword of Aragorn (LE
UC1380 Anduril - Sword of Aragorn
UC1382 High Elven Warrior Helm
UC1383 Helm of King Elendil
UC1384 Helm of Gimli
UC1381LTNB Legolas's Knives Scabbard Set
UC1385 Staff of Saruman
UC1386 Staff of Gandalf the White
UC1396 Anduril Scabbard
UC1397 Battle Axe of Gimli
UC1400 Sword of Boromir
UC1411 Gauntlet of Sauron
UC1412 Helm of Sauron
UC1414 Gondor Infantry Helm
UC1415 Walking Axe of Gimli
UC1417BL Glamdring Scabbard -- Blue
UC1417WT Glamdring Scabbard -- White
UC1423 Sword of Eowyn
UC1424 Sting - Museum Collection
UC1425 Glamdring - Museum Collection
UC1428 High Elven Warrior Shield
UC1430 Helm of Isildur
UC1454 Second Age Gondorian Shield
UC1457 War Helm of the Witchking
UC2595 Dagger of the Witchking
UC2598 Sword of Isildur
UC2614MC Sword of Samwise -- Museum Collection
UC2614 Sword of Samwise
UC2628 Bearded Axe of Gimli
UC2892 Hobbit Sting Sword
UC 2893 Hobbit Sting Scabbard
UC 2926 Hobbit Gandalf Staff
UC 2928 Hobbit Orcrist Sword of Thorin Oakenshield
UC 2942 Hobbit Glamdring The Sword of Gandalf
My script:
Hello, Kevin here with Castle Forged.
This video is a catalogue of everthing released to date By United Cutlery
For both the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit.
I hope it helps new collectors see what already exists.
And experienced collectors can use it as a checklist for their collection.
It is sorted by the United Cutlery Numbering System. Enjoy.
I most definitely mispronounced some of those But you're caught up. My next video will be similar. Instead of a catalogue by release date. I'm going to arrange the list by categories. Until Next time. Like if you like. And thanks for watching.