10 Lessons From The Psychology Of Money That Changed My Life

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Money lessons from Morgan Housel's "The Psychology of Money."

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00:00 Money Is Psychological
00:32 Don't Copy Others Success, But Study Successful Patterns
01:48 Life Is No Fun Without A Sense Of Enough
02:50 The Most Profitable Financial Skill Is Patience
03:51 The Highest Form Of Wealth Is Controlling Your Time
04:44 People Think Your Car Is Cool, Not You
06:40 Staying Wealthy Is A Combination Of Frugality And Paranoia
07:35 Rich Is Visible, Wealth Is Invisible
08:32 You And I Think Different About Money…Because We’re Different
09:19 There Is No Greater Force In Finance Than Room For Error
09:46 Money Relies More On Psychology Than Finance

In this video, I share 10 lessons I have learned from the book, "The Psychology of Money."

1. Don't Copy Others Success, But Study Successful Patterns

We often underestimate the amount luck plays in order to achieve success. You cannot recreate someone's success by copying what they've done because we all have different opportunities and circumstances; instead, you should study successful patterns amongst a broad group of successful people.

2. Life Is No Fun Without A Sense Of Enough

When it comes to money, people can never find contentment. Lifestyle inflation causes people to spend a huge amount of money and the more they spend, the further away they get from contentment. It is important to establish a comfortable quality of life and not continuously upgrade.

3. The Most Profitable Financial Skill Is Patience

Warren Buffet has achieved a huge amount of wealth in his life because he has an extreme level of patience. He is not trying to get rich quick, but accepts that wealth takes a long time to achieve. Achieving wealth through compound interest is an extremely realistic way to achieve wealth; however, you must be patient.

4. The Highest Form Of Wealth Is Controlling Your Time

People often want big houses, nice cars, and material possessions when they start making a lot of money; however, you can always make more money, but you can never make more time. The best thing that money can buy is more time to do what you want.

5. People Think Your Car Is Cool, Not You

People often buy nice material possessions because they think it will grant them respect and admiration; however, it is the possession that people admire, not you. There is nothing wrong with having nice things, but don't think they will grant you respect.

6. Staying Wealthy Is A Combination Of Frugality And Paranoia

Getting wealthy and staying wealthy are two completely different things. In order to stay wealthy, you must be frugal, understand you could lose it all if you are not cautious, and understand luck was involved.

7. Rich Is Visible, Wealth Is Invisible

Being rich is a very visible thing that consists of nice possessions. Being wealthy is an invisible thing that you cannot see. Wealthy people don't feel the need to show off what they have.

8. You And I Think Different About Money…Because We’re Different

People do crazy things with money, but nobody is crazy. Our view of money comes from our upbringing, life experiences, and world events. Don't be too quick to judge or argue with someone on money because we're all different.

9. There Is No Greater Force In Finance Than Room For Error

Life is full of surprises and you must be prepared for life's surprises by making sure you have enough cash on hand.

10. Money Relies More On Psychology Than Finance

Although money is just basic math, the truth is that money is a very emotional thing. When you analyze your own psychology with money, you can have a better relationship with you finances.

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I appreciate the knowledge you've provided. But this administration has putting so many families into difficult situations, I pray for our country, we need compassion for the American my country.


I bought 2 shares of Microsoft in 1994. I paid just over $100. They're now worth over $2000 because the company was divided and my stocks split. I noticed the pretty car and the hot guy in the picture. Nobody is wildly impressed by my 9 year old but my sister who wants an SUV and my husband and me because it still runs. I'd rather have it than some car that isn't paid off because it's pretty. We save for life surprises.


You have such a calming voice and consistency in your presentation. I thoroughly enjoy watching and learning from you. Subscribed ✅ liked ✅


well thanyou for bringing this up! I really loved the way you explain it


Thank you I always listen to your points.


Great video, & great content! I will definitely be purchasing that book, it definitely has a bunch of GEMS in there! Continue to motivate & inspire us all!


Always looking forward for your videos.. helps me a lot to stay Focus on my goals and be frugal.. bought the book and I have yet to finish reading it 😅


You are really good at explaining books. Thanks, I learned a lot from this video. Thumbs up!!!


I am reading it, right now. 100 pages left 😉


Thanks for the recommendation. I bought it and just started reading it. First few chapters have me hooked already!


This was excellent! So valuable information. Thank you, Austin!


Your videos have an almost spiritual touch to them. Your execution of information is immaculate. You serve great purpose here. Thank you.


The way you explained is appreciated. I really impressed by your fluency and comprehension. Amazing sir ❤


Excellent video and I agree with the author 💯. Congratulations on your sponsor. Definitely helpful for your own financial goals 💰


I’ve read (well listened to) this book and I’d definitely recommend it
Thanks for sharing!


Good video, thank you! I subscribed not only because of the content, but also because of the presentation. You have a soothing voice. ^^


I really love your voice. You speak so calmly and with so much paitence, making what you say more understandable


Thank you so much. You made this so understandable and easy for most of us. Sending love all the way from South Africa ❤


Don't impress people that you probably don't like, that's what I got from the book. It's a good read and wake up call!


A very good summary, well explained. Thank you
