HUGE Over The Top Fix

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HUGE Over The Top Fix
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Rick Shiels Senior PGA Golf Coach at Trafford Golf Centre helps social golfer Daniel Healey fix his huge over the top golf swing and helps him hit the ball more from the inside. Hitting the golf ball better, further and more consistently
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I've got to say Rick you've come a long way since this video 😂


I searched up how stop coming over the stop and when I saw rick covered it I was so relieved


Hey Rick, I know this video is old but it was so incredibly useful, the feel of swinging to the right and a straight right arm after impact really helped me. Thanks a lot for the great content


My golf coach has been working with me on this and basically told me that he has taught me everything he could in two lessons to correct my OTT movement. And I could take more lessons and he would be happy to take me money but until I can master the drills he has given me I would be wasting my money. I appreciate his honesty and I look forward to putting in the practice. He has given me all the tools and I need to put in the work


Great video Ric, had a swing like that myself until you sorted it out, still not 100%, but after the lessons with you! I know now why my ball sometimes goes to the right! when you know why! it's easier to rectify it. Keep on posting the vids, they do help, but have to say a lesson helps 10x more


What an improvement! This is something I struggle with too. His before swing is identical to mine. My head and upper body would lunge forward just prior to impact and cause me to early extend to save the shot and not hit off the hozzle. However, I would hit off the toe mainly because of the early extension. I will give this a try at the range today. Nice work and thanks for sharing.


The number one reason for over the top is ativateing your right arm at the top of your downswing it should stay passive until your hips , if you activate your right arm it pushes your shoulder out and causing over the top


Very well demonstrated, the difference between before and after is remarkable


Tried this and has massively helped rick. Even developed a slight draw. Cheers mate keep up the gd work👍


Think is a problem for loads of us. Try pick a few bits from this. I currently try make sure my shoulders are square, then turn my shoulders away and then drive my bottom half towards target. Has improved me loads. But still do start my swing by throwing my arms in first occasionally, causing a big pull. Great instructional video rick, love to see more like this. Especially one on chipping yips, thanks Andy


Need to try this on the range ASAP. I've been fighting an OTT move for 30 years though so there's a lot of ingrained rubbish there to shift. I know I have to swing from the inside, but knowing and being able to do it are two different things. The really annoying thing is, I can do with no ball there (I've filmed it!) but everything changes if a ball is there.


Rick have fantastic passion as a seem to really enjoy your golfers making progress 👍


Excellent. @Rick - thanks. (Wooden Tee marks on the bottom of my clubs showed me I had a massive problem with this and keeping the clubface open).


Wow, this is my problem, been too two pros none of them picked this up, I was beginning to feel this was happening, now I know how to sort it. Cheers


Baseball player here. Just started playing earlier this year at 36 year old and had been constantly pulling the ball straight left. Told myself to try and hit it to right field and sure enough just like in your video with the alignment stick pointing far right, I started hitting everything very straight. I still suck, but it's a lot less frustrating!


Love your videos. This video demonstrates my issue. Like your student I have corrected for this and still play ok (broke 80 this year) but suffer from inconsistency and too much effort in the swing. I recognize this is not an overnight fix so how do I set goals and get myself on a path to correct the swing over time?


Side by side comparison is excellent! Now to get rid of my old habits!


Oh man that is me on the left. Can't wait to try this on the range.Thx.


Top man Rick, as you know I can really relate to this, baffles me how you can get us doing these changes so quick, great videos 👍⛳️


Watching this makes wanna swing more form inside cause my over top swing causes fat and slice shots, also my divots point left of my target alot so that has to be me over the top
