An Introduction to Social Philosophy| Sociology | Philosophy | Philosophy Simplified

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Social Philosophy is one of the main and important branches of Philosophy. It is the thoughtful consideration of human society. Social Philosophy tries to find out the basic laws which operate in the society and influence human relations. Its aim consists in discovering the meaning of the actual mode of existence. Its aim is to interpret society with reference to the essential social unity of mankind. “Social philosophy studies the interactions and inter-relations that exist among men and their groups”. Social Philosophy is Normative, Evaluative and Speculative. Social Philosophy has two main functions namely Critical and Constructive. Social Philosophy is Transcends the Conclusions of Other Sciences. Social Philosophy studies the interrelation of social organizations and the relation of individual to these organizations. It studies the structure and functions of social systems and investigates into their philosophical implications. Social Philosophy tries to meet all the requirements to maintain social solidarity. It views the entire mankind as one family which has a unique kind of fraternity and commitment. Social Philosophy is closely connected with Sociology, Politics and Ethics. Sociology and Politics are positive disciplines whereas Ethics and Social Philosophy are normative disciplines. Sociology is the science of the web of social relationships. Politics is concerned with State and political institutions. Ethics is the 11 science of Highest Good of individual. Social Philosophy studies the purpose and the meaning of entire human existence. It deals with the common Good of individuals in society. The key concept of Sociology is ‘social relations’. The key concept of Politics is ‘power’. Ethics is concerned with rightness or wrongness of actions of individual. The key concept of Social Philosophy is ‘knowledge of social ideals in the social relationships’. Social Philosophy includes everything which has human and social significance.