Shinkai - Not Separation, But Connection

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Makoto Shinkai is one of the most interesting directors working in animation today, but it wasn't until 2016 where he truly grabbed the attention of the world with his record-breaking feature Your Name. In this video I explore how his emotionally-driven films are bringing anime to new fans around the world, how his shortcomings are as integral to his work as his successes, and how his portfolio is bringing us all together.

Mild spoilers throughout this video.

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Music credits can be found at the end of the video.

#MakotoShinkai #YourName #KimiNoNaWa
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Honest question, why do you use dubs?


Rain, Train,
Me: Pain
Me: Wait hol’ up


This was my late friends last favorite film. It's a shame he's missing out on the rest of Makoto's work. A couple months before he died I did get to lend him the garden of words, he loved it. Guess I'll just have to watch the rest of them for him.

Thanks for the great video.


"Makoto Shinkai is a masterfully flawed director."
That line is so beautiful that it literally sent chills down my spine, and this is coming from a huge Shinkai fan.


I think Your Name (heck, even most of Shinkai's works) should be watched without a critical mindset for the full emotional roller coaster, at least on the first watch. Your Name's flaws are very apparent, but let them slide until after the movie, don't think about it, relax and enjoy the popcorn. Let yourself dive deep into the goosebumps the soundtrack gives you and enjoy what's on screen.


The SECOND your voice starts up i swear tears appear in my eyes.


"And of course feet"
Ah i see makoto shinkai is a man of culture


You sir, made my night. I watched "Your Name" while in the throws of depression after my father died in late 2017. It was the first time that I ever watched an anime on my own. I'd seen DBZ and Spirited Away in the past because others made me, and I wasn't a fan at all. "Your Name" in no uncertain terms saved my life, and by extension so did Makoto Shinkai. I will always be grateful for what he did for me.


The ending of 5 cm per second has to the most depressing ending I've ever seen. I know it sends a REALLY strong message about moving on and not looking back but still.


Honestly, you are the most professional YouTuber I know! Almost too good to be true!!!


I started with 5 Centimeters per Second and I only watched it because it was suggested and I had no other show to watch at the time. And then, it became my favorite anime movie because of how painful and how real it could be.

Then I watched Voices of A Distant Star which I thought wasn't that great visually. But as the story progressed, I was heavily invested emotionally. Then there was his most recent works.

I have watched Weathering With You and it may not be as awesome as Your Name, it was still a Makoto Shinkai film and he also made progress especially with the moving cameras which is extremely hard to fix the perspective when animating.

To understand his films better, those should be watched with full attention and not while texting someone or scrolling on social media. I find that an insult to all the people who poured out all their time and effort to create every single frame in the film. The things I want to tell them, you mentioned here.

So thank you for this video essay. You have just gained a new subscriber.


so far the shinkai movies have shown me that:

5 Centimeters per second- Moving on/ Acceptance

Garden of Words- Love is patience

Your Name- Love could conquer all obstacles

Weathering with you- In love one could be selfish


Geez, these vids never fail to be touching and insightful. Shinkai is a growing voice, and I look forward to the roar he will become with more time and experience


I think the comment that Shinkai's work (and Your Name specifically) is emotionally-driven deserves extra emphasis. Your Name has logical holes if you look for them (staring at the phones for as long as they do should've immediately clued Mitsuha and Taki in on the first big twist) but those holes don't really matter. It's an emotional journey first and foremost, which people butt up against because we've been conditioned too much to accept a single type of storytelling, where logical progression and sensible order are the main goals of a narrative. And I applaud that you look into these elements, when it is too easy on YouTube to go full CinemaSins and logically nitpick a story to literal death.


“...and of course... feet”

Me: so he’s Quentin Tarantino


Everytime Kimi no na wa soundtrack plays suddenly, I get goosebumps all over my
Ahhh it's so good....


Garden of Words is Makoto’s masterpiece, short as it is. This film is far above his other works in depth, subtlety, beauty, and artistry.


I had watched ‘Your Name’ when i was going through an awful time, i had watched and it had brung something out of me that i’ve never felt or encountered before. I had cried like never before, I had found a film that made me free emotion. This all sounds stupid but Your Name is a masterpiece that has been engraved onto my heart.


This is the first time that I've started clapping after the end of a youtube video.
Every now and then I was smiling wide from the true beauty of your description to such an authentic piece of art, that which celebrates our humanity in its dualist nature.
Truly my brother, Bravo!


9:43 The song starts playing*
Me:Tearing up while remembering the movie
