TDK 1080p Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money
The Dark Knight (2008) - Some Men Just Want to Watch the World Burn Scene | Movieclips
TDK 1080p Some men just want to watch the world burn!
TDK 1080p Gordon describes Joker
TDK 1080p The public likes you, Dent
TDK 1080p Say it!
TDK 1080p No so crazy as you look!
TDK 1080p Can't rely on anyone these days, you got to do everything yourself
TDK 1080p Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, not the one it nees right now
TDK 1080p Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded
TDK 1080p Joker says Hi
TDK 1080p Oh, excuse me, I want to drive!
TDK 1080p You have nothing nothing to threaten me with!
TDK 1080p A-ta-ta-ta-ta! Let's not blow.... this out of proportion!
TDK 1080p I'm not! No, I'm not!
TDK 1080p I'm a man of my word!
TDK 1080p If you're good at something never do it for free!
TDK 1080p Give me one reason why I shouldn't have my boy here pull your head off!
TDK 1080p Hmm, now we're talking!
TDK 1080p It's a bad joke!
TDK 1080p You see, I'm a guy of simple taste
TDK Vs All Forms Of Spider-Man
TDK 1080p All you care about is money!
TDK VS Saitama
Fourteen years later and it's still one of the most bone-chilling quotes of all time!
My teachers describing me to my parents.
Wall Street Bets refusing to sell gamestop stock.
Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world learn.
That's a excellent way to describe Psychopaths.
This is what I thought after reading Rent A Girlfriend
Those men are the guys in my Literature class. They just wanna watch the world burn...
sounds like that dude I killed in minecraft survival hunger games bro