FAQ: How long will it take for me to feel better?

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I'm curious, I'm a virgo and I've been trying to get over my exhusband (we were together 26yrs and he abandoned me and our sons, 6 yrs ago) I miss him everyday (I am better than I was.) Time heals all wounds, but shouldn't I be over him by NOW? Is this a virgo trait? I gave everything I am to him, I became one with him and finding it hard to get myself back. I am incomplete and broken. Friends and family say I should be mad and hate him for What he did, but I don't like that inside me, I don't get mad. I have tried and it's uncomfortable and painful. I love him and always will, I know this now, but I really just want him out of my heart and head! Why am I still dedicated to someone who walked away (cheated numerous times, lied and betrayed me... us really. Was even physically abusive in the end) I really need to understand why I can't let him go. I feel like I am the type to mate for life. There is one man for me and he left. If it weren't for my son's (who are now 24 and 19) I honestly don't believe I would be here today, they are my life. (I was a stay at home mom during our relationship) thank you so much for ANY insight you can offer. I truly am desperate for answers. (Idk if this helps, but my Aunt has always told me I have an old soul. I'm not sure what that means, but I take it as a positive thing. I am old fashioned in many ways. Is this a Virgo trait also?) My birthday is Sept 5th 1969 born in the afternoon or evening.
