3 HOURS Relaxing Music - Spa, Meditation, Sleep, Background, Study, Relaxation, Zen

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Use it for working, resting, studying, meditation, pampering, spa, massage, yoga, zen, sleep, Pilates, or whatever else needs.

Click below for alternate versions:

For version with RAIN sounds included:

For version with SPA WATER sounds included

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


We create effortless ways for anyone to reach a profound sense of deep relaxation, meditation and sleep, without ever having to try. In particular, we cater to anyone who is turned-off by the idea of "meditation", but still want to reap the massive health benefits, that meditation can bring. We offer this through high-quality audio productions, called 'guided visualisations'. These include sleep talk-downs, meditations, wonderful fantasy imagery and stories.


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#relaxingmusic #thehonestguys
Рекомендации по теме

i am listening to this as i am writing an essay, and i feel so relaxed...the positive energy is overflowing. THANKS!!!


Thunderstorm going on outside the house. My dogs start shaking and crying, both trying to get on my lap while I'm on the computer.... one German Shepherd Dog and one mixed Pit Bull. The moment I said, "I'll put on Honest Guys. Wait." Pittie jumped in my chair and curled up behind me, while the GSD stretched out behind my chair. They know "Honest Guys" is "quiet time", and I think they do find your videos as relaxing and calming as I do.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You just bought me 3 hours of time to get some work done! Video is on full blast on the speakers and both dogs are now asleep... just after 10 minutes!


Love love love.... this is what I feel when listening to this beautiful I feel like flying above the sky on a very warm and quiet place near nature... unconditional love, happiness, peace, light, harmony, wisdom...  I can feel all good things in life when listening to calm music like this.. the power of music can make miracles... each key note vibrates each cell of our whole body...making every single part of our body work so well like  the whole Universe....this song makes us travel to more beautiful places we have ever promised... thanks for posting it!!


I hope whoever is reading this knows that we’re all in this life together and to never give up on yourself.


I have been listening to this daily for the last year - One of my dogs is diabetic and blind (it's ok - she gets around good and still loves life) and has always been off the charts with her anxiety.  Last night she suffered a seizure - after going to the ER and choosing to bring her home,  we came into the office I started playing this and she just let out one of her sighs like she does when she is relaxed and feels safe and fell right to sleep for the rest of the night.  Thank You!!


The music really does force you to stop, exhale deeply, drop your shoulders and relax.  ESPECIALLY while sitting at your desk in a stressful, noisy environment.  It plays well in the background. I will download this music and use it for my massage sessions. Thank you Honest Guys!


It's nice to have it in the background while I am sitting behind the computer, thanks


I normally listen to these types of videos to fall asleep since i have bad insomnia. This one i really enjoy falling asleep to specifically. Tonight i took the time to look through the comments and at the moment im in tears. The uplifting comments are so kind and sweet and made me smile. Its been really hard for me lately and to top it off i recently fell ill. So things havent been all that great. Im normally a very happy and smiley person, but some days i wouldnt smile at all. Barely speak. Barely eat. And keep to myself. And my mom was getting very worried. But reading these comments have helped me start to feel a bit better. And i thank all of you. Those that i can relate to and those that posted uplifting things. All of you. I hope i can be relatable and uplifting as well. No matter who you are, no matter what you're going through you are not alone. You are amazing and so many people love and care about you and you may not even know it. Take some time to take care of yourself. To love yourself for who you are. I hope everyday all of you can happily say to yourself "i love you, me." Because you deserve it. I wish you all an amazing morning, evening, night, whatever time it is for you that you see this, its 3 am for me right now as i write this. Make the most of your life the best you can. You will do amazing things in your lifetime. I believe in you ~Love Léna


THANKS for bringing peace to our stressed souls


After a long day at work, this made me so relaxed and rejuvenated. Wonderful piece


I really like this music! It's amazing how it appeals to people who speak various  languages!! Music=Unity!


I'm laying here struggling with a stomach infection. This is by far the best medicine I could take. I feel so relaxed; I can focus on the beautiful sounds and not my discomfort!


Worked very well, most my cat ! 
I luv it ...


So happy to see and hear the beautiful morning prayer with Nabil M. as the first "ad" this morning!


It's Beautiful! Always paints a picture in my mind, then I dream about it.


I put lavender oil on my temples and on my pineal gland, lie down and breathed deeply while listening to this amazing music and after about a half an hour my entire body relaxed and a smile came across my mouth. 
What peace! Thank you for this gift


Much nicer than the water in it ❤️❤️ Good night everyone 💤💤😴😴


I love this combination of music and water. I wish you have this one for an 8 hour play. Thanks!


You fellows sure supply some excellent calming music with no adverts to speak of to interrupt the flow...which does indeed make you "The Honest Guys."  Thanks.  Rare and appreciated..


Relaxing! I play this for my women's treatment group. Thanks
