GTX 1660 Super vs RTX 2060 vs RTX 3060 // Test in 9 Games

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💻 PC Specs - Buy on Amazon / Newegg

🎮 Games
00:00 Intro
00:14 Days Gone
01:08 Resident Evil Village
02:05 Cyberpunk 2077
03:26 Watch Dogs: Legion
04:18 Outriders
05:12 Assassin's Creed Valhalla
06:18 Red Dead Redemption 2
07:10 Fortnite - competitive
08:16 Fortnite - epic
09:15 Call of Duty: Warzone

CPU OC: 5.2 GHz all core
RTX 3060: Resizable BAR - enabled
RAM: 3600 MHz, CL16-16-16-36, Gear 1

🎥 Recorded with dual PC Setup (No FPS loss, but screen tearing..)

🎵 Intro / Outro
Aakash Gandhi - Eyes of Glory

📊 Overlay - MSI Afterburner, Rivatuner, HWiNFO
Frametime graph: 0 - 50ms

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Your are not satisfied with 60 FPS? You want more for the best price? On my channel "Benchmarks for Gamers" I'll show you PC systems that make your gaming dreams come true and match your needs! For this I test gaming PCs in all price ranges and for every budget. My game inventory includes current PC games, but also old classics. In my videos you learn what you really need and where you can easily make compromises. Curious?
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Рекомендации по теме

💻 *PC Specs - Buy on Amazon / Newegg*

🎮 *Games*
00:00 Intro
00:14 Days Gone
01:08 Resident Evil Village
02:05 Cyberpunk 2077
03:26 Watch Dogs: Legion
04:18 Outriders
05:12 Assassin's Creed Valhalla
06:18 Red Dead Redemption 2
07:10 Fortnite - competitive
08:16 Fortnite - epic
09:15 Call of Duty: Warzone


My R9 290X is still the weapon of choice to warm up my room during freezing winters.


Nice to see how my 1660S does in some games i play on my Series X. I was thinking about upgrading, but i generally only emulate older games, or play modded older games on my PC. I guess the old 1660S will stick around for a while longer


I'm still rocking my 2016 build with an RX480 4GB and an i5 6500 which still holds up pretty well. It's interesting to see how far video cards have gone since then...


The pricing for the second card in some cases cost more then i paid to build my PC.


1660 Super was a steal in mid-2020, good match for an R5-3600 build now that I've had it for a year. Easily carries me over until you can actually buy something new again.


I bought my MSI 1660 Super as a replacement for my MSI 980 4G, but also to fill in the gap until GPUs stop costing $1, 000 or more (thanks scalpers). I can run most modern games with my 10700k and 16GB 3600 DDR4 on high or ultra and have a stable 60-100 FPS. It does the job for a lot less. Turning down shadows and texture quality by one greatly increases FPS. Most of the time there is too much action to tell a difference anyway.


dude days gone is fucking amazing, I played it in a rtx 3070 at 2k 144hz and dude, I can't explain how good feels to play that game


well i'm going from a 1050ti to a 3060, i think this upgrade was fair enough
a little bit expensive (i live in brazil), but a good upgrade


Just recently bought the 1660 Super because everything else was so overpriced and I have been pleasantly surprised! Runs every AAA I play over 70 fps, usually much higher too


Me in video: 1660s seems not that bad either, on Amazon: 1660s seems not that cheap either :(


1660s is a good price for performance card if you can get hold of one that is. most new games run medium to high some all the way to high with a few ultra settings enabled, depends on the game really. but at 1080p only which is fine for most people as its the most commonly used resolution with mid range builds as there not expecting 4K resolutions with the price of the card itself, it goes without saying and it is to be expected when purchasing the 1660s.ethusiast pc builders will always go with the best that can be offered but as long as the gameplay experience is reasonable and very playable I'm not one to care. the moment the 1660 does not work or fails to support newer games then ill consider the upper tier cards till then ill continue to use it, my model is the TUF GAMING 3 fan system cooling which are like rocking horse shit to get hold of at the moment.


Thanks as someone who is thinking of upgrading from a 2060 to a 3060 and who plays the majority of the games you used in this test this was very helpful. Much appreciated


Bare in mind that he is running an Overclocked 11th gen i9 also. Most of the games shown here are CPU heavy games rather than GPU heavy. I know cause hes managing to get a little bit more in some games than me and i run a 3070 BUT only a 9th gen i9. So don't be fooled thinking that it's ALL in the GPU.


Glad that I bought 2070Super before the big unavailability of cards


I bought a RTX 2060 when they came out. One of the Rog Strix ones that was about $50 more than normal because of the fancy cooler and OC but competed well with the stock 2070. It's over 2 years old and plays pretty much anything I throw at it maxed 1080p and many games in Ultra 1440p which is native to my monitor. Really happy with it. $409 back in April 2019. Currently used on Amazon for $738 lol. I don't think I will be upgrading any time soon.


I bought the 1660 Super last year for a suggested manufacturer price and it's the best buy of my life. It's still the best Full HD graphics card on the market.


2060 was one of the best cards I have ever own and that was coming from 1050ti. Solid it two years ago after upgrading to 1440p. Now using an AMD RX6800.


Thanks for showing power consumption. This is replacing my gtx 960 so it's good to know I shouldn't have to swap out the power supply.


Very interesting !!

Thank you very much 👍👍👍👍
