Disease progression in Multiple Sclerosis

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Expert neurologists describe what a newly diagnosed person with MS should expect in terms of disease progression. They discuss the four basic categories of MS: Relapsing remitting MS, primary progressive MS, secondary progressive MS, and progressive relapsing MS. The likelihood that a newly diagnosed patient with MS will acquire a severe disability is also discussed. With today's approved treatments and management strategies, most people with MS are able to lead full and productive lives.
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That's more info in a short time than I received from the Neurologist over the long term.
Doesn't help with my treatment, or lack thereof, but it gives me something to go on.


To Freddie
Thoughts are with you and yours.
I'm disabled too and I couldn't say where I'd be without my husband's kindness, strength, gentleness, love and support.


The questions and answers are so clear, so well explained in such short period of time that not only encouraged me to decide to talk to my doctor but kept me calm and attentive to the video..thank you so much.🙏


This doctor is very, very good . I like the way he answered all the question the doctor in the yellow shirt asked. He also asked some really great and important questions. My husband is suffering with the disease which I believed he hid from me for 22 years. I am constantly crying day and night. He has reach the stage where he is losing his balance, can't drive any more and losing his memory . He has also lost his appetite completely . I am 40 years old and he is 51 years old. We have a 4 year old son. Can you please give me any info on what to expect at this stage ? Any small advice will be greatly appreaciated. I am terrified and extremely devastated. Thanks in Advance.


I have a family member who did MS treatment in belgrade recently with stem cells and i am amazed at how well he is doing and i would recommend it to anyone.


Another great video. I was told exactly this 35 yrs ago when I was diagnosed. Good optimistic information for the newly diagnosed.


I was in a wheelchair within a year of being diagnosed with before that I was a very fit and active person with no symptoms except a very slight twitch in my right foot for about a year. So minor that I didn't even go to a doctor. Then I started stumbling when running, I used to run and powerwalk for exercise and loved it. Im lost without being able to work, run, exercise, Im so fatigued I cant get through the day. I miss driving. I miss MY life. You smug doctors are right, YOU DONT KNOW A DAMN THING ABOUT MS ESPECIALLY PPMS AND NO IT DOESNT KILL YOU, BUT AFTER A FEW YEARSOF BEING IN A WHEELCHAIR, LOSING INDEPENDENCE AND DIGNITY BECAUSE YOUR BOWELS AND BLADDER DONT YOU JUST WISH YOU WERE


Listening to these comments is scary! I was diagnosed 5 months ago and moving on to Ocrevus next year. I’m hoping to get onto a plateau and stop deteriorating - please God!


Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. 13 years ago my wife was diagnosed, we were hopeful, tried numerous medications, today she has no use of legs, little use in one arm, cannot speak, swallow, control bowels, chronic severe pain for 10 yrs. It might not be a quick killer  , but in the end you wish it were .


There is a 3rd form of MS called PIRA (progression independent of relapse activity). This is said to be common among RRMS people. It is a new discovery. At the time you first get MS the progressive part is probably so minor that it is easily missed and the neurologist will be focused on the relapses. Also, there have been a number of posts by neurologists saying PPMS and SPMS are the same disease.


Please help me
My son found out he had ms while studying for the bar
He finished and was hired by a nice firm
But now he’s quitting bc this ms is causing him exhausted days nights no sleeping depression and muscle pain !!!
What about the dizziness it’s scary and he won’t get a cane !!!
He’s 29
How can I help him


They can expect horrible horrible things and losing everything a long the way including but not limited to family home ENERGY strength and TIME!!! It steals your time!!! The pain is the worst. I have PPMS and it has taken everything from me my muscles my limbs my teeth the list is never ending. Driving going out making plans that goes away to. Cooking showering coordination speech and I just am not using comas. Find a doctor that actually listens to YOU. Not their other patients that aren't you! It should be individual care not factory care. Amd because we don't look sick my response is You don't look stupid my mistake. Lol when it progresses you can expect to be bed ridden. They hardly know because we all suffer differently yet the same in so many ways. The day they get big pharma out of their back pockets is the day MS suffer's will see REAL progress. #Freetheweed #wewantchoices #Wewantacure not bandaids


I've had ms at least 11 years. Diagnosis in 2013. I notice this year... covid, isolation, leaving my lifetime abuser after 19 years, my 4year old having cancer, I have been having a LOT of uncontrollable nerve spasms lately. It is sonfristrating and humiliating when I cant control it in front of others. I worry I'm getting worse or maybe im.just being paranoid and I'm fine and it's just from the stress.


I am on Gilenya - 6th year. No dusability yet- but too many plaques in brain, neck, dorsal. No active lesion now. Doc asks me if i should now switch to Ocrevus. I am afaid which is better for me. Follow with Gilenya or NOW switch OCREVUS before too late? On Gilenya, i never had attack- earlier roughly every 6 yrs.


Stem Cells, Nootropics like Selank, P21, Semax?


I feel like ive been hard labor for over a week now. Its very painful it's Christmas Day. Wishing i were dead because the pain is so bad


Annoys me because it's never if it's always when. Why can't neuros just be up front about it. They won't commit for fear of being sued.


I didn't quite figure the difference between primary and secondary progressive MS?

Could someone explain please


I got diagnosed with sinus tachycardia
Cardiologist said its multiple sclerosis related..neurologist said I don't think so


Have been confirmed negative of MS, thank you Dr mason channel on YouTube..indeed your medications works wonders..keep saving lives
