Gravitational Waves and Variable Speed of Light

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GW would be possible in a VSL context; however, I still hold doubts about the very existence of gravitational waves.
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When you build a gravitational wave detector that costs that much, you damn well better detect gravitational waves. On a lighter note, science fiction writer, Max Tegmark says that multiverses exist on 3 levels.


The basis of the detection of gravity waves has always been suspect from the outset when the device used to measure them cancels out any variation in the speed of light.The Michelson interferometer was originally designed to measure any variation in the speed of light due to direction, so it was a surprise when non was detected.
Any change in the velocity of light in one direction can be cancelled out on the return journey from the mirrors at the end of the arms.
So it should come as no surprise that using the Michelson device would render similar results when used to detect gravity waves as they propagate in a similar fashion to the light in the arms of the detector.


Just wanted to say that I first stumbled upon one of your videos and have now watched basically all of them, except the german ones and I believe that you might be onto something with VSL. Things finally fall into place. It has been an eye-opener and hopefully the current discoveries of the JWS telescope will be a paradigm shift in cosmology and physics.


1. Propose a plausible yet complex/expensive scheme to detect famous theoretical signal that is faint
2. Make it an international collaboration project and raise a lot of money and attention
3. Build the apparatus and collect large random data sets
4. Keep trying filters and improving your story, sometimes testing out the reception of the public to candidate events, until you have a plausible “detection” pattern to publish


He is exactly right, there must be a fair application of the laws of probability. The careful treatment of uncertainty in both the composite null and the composite alternative are critical. I had doubts when I first saw the statistical methods being employed from a colleague close to the LIGO community. What Unzicker calls the use of "templates" is a perfectly fine way of describing the concerns. But it goes even deeper than this. The treatment of the composite null hypothesis is a serious issue and it is a challenging one. They need to refine their models, incorporate proper mixture models where necessary and integrate over the uncertainty parameters bringing everything we know about the physics to bear. It is no small feat. Hopefully in the near future the statistics can catch up and the conclusions of LIGO will be supported.


It is amusing that an experiment that is very similar to the one that dispelled the notion of the æther is now being used to test the presence of gravitation waves which like most quanta today are being very closely tied to today's field theory which itself is an even crazier new æther theory variant this time with multiple overlapping æther fields... 🥺 Maybe we should rewrite the Michelson–Morley experiment as a success after "errors in the process have been removed".


Good, stimulating video as usual. Physics, like climatology and public health science, is suffering from marketing creep in which a conclusion is reached and then data arranged to justify it. Of course, it is not science but there are a lot of PhD salaries that depend on it.


@4.43 THANNK YOU! I feel like I have been howling at the moon about their "templates". They did something similar with the EHT and their black hole "image".


all visual artistic renderings of gravitational waves show anti gravity bending around and away from planets.. i find that quite funny


When Broglie's proposed the electron duality particle and wave idea, physicist Peter Debye made an offhand comment that if particles behaved as waves, they should satisfy some sort of wave equation. inspired by Debye's remark, Schrödinger decided to find a proper 3-dimensional wave equation for the electron
Maybe we have the opposite situation Gravitation waves don't exist they are just math acrobatics and scientists try to find (detect) math inconsistency.


Why, it's almost like a matched filtering system can create a signal's matching statistic from noise by selectively filtering
only things which match it--whether a signal is there or not. Perhaps they should take credit for synthesizing gravitational
waves instead of detecting them. Particle physics could show them how to do that


I predict that at the end of the day, and it might be a long day, light waves will do the job of gravitational waves. No gravitons, photons interacting with electrons (matter) can do their job.


Definitely going to catch it this time.

I was wondering about something recently relating to the expanding universe hypothesis. If scientists claim that certain galaxies are speeding away from us faster than light, then why should we be able to see these galaxies? It kind of bugs me, and maybe I don't understand what is being postulated, but if this is what is postulated then maybe this can be leaned on as evidence against the redshift being caused by expansion.


Ofcourse they need a million times more sensitive and expensive LIGO. They need funding.


Star date: 9 Sept 2022. Long wait for a video. I would say gravitational waves are likely. It is another question whether there is sufficient evidence.
Throw out accelerating expanding universes as preposterous, and here is what you have left.

Light decays exponentially, losing hH in energy every cycle for any photon. This implies (from Planck's hypothesis) that electromagnetic radiation would be quantised with zero-point energy, hH/2. The significance of the Hubble constant is that it would be the natural frequency of a quantum harmonic oscillator - the "hum" of the universe.

As the energy, hH, is lost in the process of exponential decay, it accumulates at or near the zero-point, which would be at the coldest radiation temperature. Walther Nernst won the 1921 Nobel for his work on low temperature physics, also known as the third law of thermodynamics. In Nernst's cosmological model, the zero-point energy serves as a reservoir of potential energy which is eventually recycled into matter. This reservoir could be like a Bose-Einstein condensate, forming a plenum of energy which is a kind of aether that gives our space-time its properties, a kind of quantum ball. It is this reservoir that is the medium in which gravitational waves could exist.

Of course, this has little to do with VSL, but in no way contradicts it. In fact, dimensional considerations of general relativity alone dictate that the speed of light should have two gravitational factors. I believe that the apparent difficulty might come from the equivalence of two forms of analysis, one used for Newtonian physics, and the other for the differential geometry of general relativity due to Hilbert. For GR, in a gravitational field radial variation of Length, Time, and Energy is supposed to vary as L'=Ls, T'=t/s, and E'=Es where s the gravitational contraction factor. A velocity being a length divided by time implies V'=Vs^2.

This radial dimensional variation implies that Planck's constant does not change in a gravitational field, because the s factors in its units cancel out. The factors also cancel in the normalized gravitational potential energy GM/Rc^2. Curiously, this is also the case if the length scale does not change, and I have reason to believe that this relates to the two forms of analysis.

The entire structure comes from the quantum hH.
Just ask yourself the question, "How much energy would be lost per cycle by a photon under Hubble's law?"
Here is one solution involving elementary algebra. If there is a trick to getting exactly hH, it is in posing the problem.

Let Hubble's law be given by c d / D = H x, c is speed of light, d is change in wavelength, D is wavelength, H is Hubble's constant, x is distance traveled by photon. The energy of the photon at the source is h c / D, h is Planck's constant. After traveling a distance x = D + d, the energy falls to h c / (D + d), losing hH in the process which results in the observed exponential decay of photon energy, interpreted as "tired light." This has been known for nearly a century, but is routinely ignored by modern physicists.


I've been meaning to ask you if you still have the original recording / footage of the discussion you had with Wolfgang Kundt on black holes and the idea that other dust obscured celestial phenomena are an alternate causal explanation.

Also waiting on Taubes paperback to arrive, I took a shot in the dark assuming your suggestion was for Nobel Dreams. I passed his cold fusion book anecdotally the most in-depth reviews tend toward dislike. I am pre-emptively suspect after seeing the rest of his sizeable catalogue are all diet related? Seams left of field and its rather odd contrast. Time will tell I suppose. Your book and my preferred choice was priced at 70 in-store at dymocks, too much for my miserly nature.

Anyway looking forward to this upcoming video as it's touching on the original subjects that introduced your content to me. I just hope your Audio game is up to scratch.

Another discussion from Wolfgang would be worth while, His perspective really provoked a lot of thoughts in my small social circle . Given he is 91 years old it would be a shame to miss the opportunity to interview him again if you could.

Kudos and regards


do GWs undergo redshift on cosmological distances, similar or exactly equal to light (curved backward/timeward light cone; making us see distant_Z galaxies at an enlarged arc-seconds angle)? if so then could GWs from behind the CMB (very "primordial Black Hole collisions"?) get redshifted to such long wavelengths ( Lambda ~ = 200 000 lightyears) that they could effectively shake whole galaxies? As with light, which carries impulse and exerts a pressure ( making photon-rockets conceivable), would GravitationalWaves transmit impulse and energy to galaxies?


What is the current theory? Do gravitational waves curve within curved space-time like waves on an ocean or like light around a galaxy is also taking a curved path? Or don't GWs do that? Can / does this explain GW signals arriving a few seconds earlier than light (=electromagnetic) signal from neutron star collisions?


Indeed, these gravitational waves are just not acceptable. I agree that Nature must be simplified. Let's do a crowdfund for this.


if gravitational wave exists, we should also detect sun/Jupiter/saturn waves as they are so massive in size
