The T21 glider ' back to basics'

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During Southdown GC longest day celebrations the privately owned T21 came out and pilots from the syndicate kindly offered numerous people the opportunity to fly on the winch with it. An experience never to be turned down. The glider first flew in 1944 and has been maintained to a very high standard. No ILS or GPS to help you in this, it's back to basics gliding!

Thanks for the chance Duncan!

Piers and Dom

Also cheers for bringing your GoPro Dom!
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Completed my a certificate in one of these and in a Sedbergh Cadet! RAF Swanton Morley, Norfolk, amazing to think back to those days, allowing a 15year old to fly solo in one of those. What an experience! Travelling up from South Devon by train with an RAF warrant for the ticket, travelling across London then on to Diss, where we were met by a gnarly old Warrant Officer and a mini bus. Brilliant experience, never to be forgotten, have loved flying ever since. Thank you ATC.


It’s great to see some of these old girls still flying. My husband learn to fly on these and ended up continuing on to become an airline captain so he loves them. I have to see if I can’t get him a flight in one


I learnt to fly in a T21 at RAF Bicester in 1967. FSgt Andy Gough was CFI what an inspiration. He took me up in a Blanik and did some aerobatics, sensational.
The old T 21 used to creak and groan and almost flap their wings to get airborne 😂


As an indian NCC cadet, I have done over 2000 launches in such very basic winch glider, which on a very routine launch give a meager altitude of just 1000 feet. In summer, some times, we were lucky to catch thermals and attain higher altitudes. Mine record was 18000 feet high. Missing those days.


I flew in these many times as an air cadet in the 60s-70s. Loops, stall turns etc. The most amazing memory I have is the immediate rocket-like takeoff and steep climb from the winched launch, which is clearly shown here.


Love it. I did my solo on one back in the early 80’s. Did by B certificate (15 mins) on one too. Even years later, whilst flying single seat glass ships I loved to take the 21 up for a nice evening float round


I flew in one of these as an ATC cadet as a teanager. We actually did a double loop and were hanging upside down on the seatbelts on the second loop. Thrill of a lifetime.


Just look at all the memories from the Air Cadets in the 60’s.
I was one of them, West Lancs wing.


Learned to fly in those and Sedburghs with Air Cadets 60yrs ago and am still flying, marvellous start for any young man then.


Excellent! Takes me right back to my dear father building a balsa model of one with me when I was a small boy. We flew it a lot! I always dreamed what it would be like to see it from the now I know. Many thanks.


WOW takes me back to my days in the ATC . 153 squadron Slough. We used to go to White Waltham. To fly. Boy that's a long time ago. But such a vivid memory you have brought back.


Thanks for sharing! A ride in an open air cockpit with just the sound of the wind passing by must be amazing!


Happy memories... as an ATC cadet, I flew one of these on a weeks gliding course at RAF Henlow..I even remember my instructors name...Jim Morrow.
Great video..thanks!


As someone who sees flying as an amazing feat... I found this video awesome. Something about flying. Like a bird off in the the air gliding diving climbing seeing everything below...


Wow, that brings back memories! 50 years ago at a gliding club near Oxford, motor tow to 1K feet, pull the toggle to release the cable and tap the altimeter for a few extra feet!


Memories of summer weekends in 1957 at RAF Kenley when a cadet with ATC Sqn 1034 (Surbiton).
What a thrill for a 16 y.o. kid! The T21 was our introduction to flight; vivid memories of stall recovery procedure, etc.


Flew in the T21 between 1966 and 69 with the Air Cadets at RAF Debden
and Swanson Morley. Also flew at the Kent Gliding Club at about the same time.
Was up in a 21 with the CFI Glyn Richards. During a turn I let the speed drop away.
The inner wing dropped and we went down like a bucket of cement in a spin.
He didn’t grab the controls, just sat their with his arms folded and said ‘I didn’t know
we were doing aerobatics this flight’ He then calmly talked me through the spin recovery.

Incidentally, as their was no canopy, the T21 also made a very good camera platform.

Great days!!


This Glider was called the Sedburg. Wonderful! - Takes me back to my ATC days in the early 1960's (37F city of Bristol squadron) and gliding at RAF Locking and at Halesland in the Mendips.


I remember being a passenger in a barge, whilst an instructor knocked over a tall beer can with the wing tip, followed by a chandelle, and a landing. Happy memories of being a staff cadet at good old 6** GS ATC.


Wow. Serched for a T 21 after having been up in one. Only to find. Same machine, pilot snd airfield! Still processing the experience 😅. What an honour 😁😁
