THEN & NOW: Transformers 2007 Vs. 2022 Figures 15 Years of Movieverse Transformers Chefatron Review

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THEN & NOW: Transformers 2007 Vs. 2022 Figures 15 Years of Movieverse Transformers Chefatron Review
We look at Transformers Movie figures from 2007 vís-a-vís current modern Transformers Studio Series figures from 2022
#transformersstudioseries #transformersthemovie2007 #15yearsanniversary
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the originals will always have a special place. i used to play alot with my son. this was really a golden time around 2007. what a downfall. very sad


Great memories collecting the original figures. Studio series got me back into collecting transformers again. The Blackout figure was the best hit of nostalgia for me. Remembering childhood and how it had passed.
Have been hooked on Studio Series and Generations since.

Loved that Optimus to death. Bumblebee and Jazz were great.


Interestingly enough the 2007 toys scale well, as long as it's Leader prime not Voyager prime. The same can't be said for the 2007 Deceptions...


Great video, I like the studio series more than the old ones, prefer my movie transformers screen accurate in bot mode, but I agree with you in the plastic quality, it was better in the old toys, I miss when the plastic quality was good on most toys and the rubber wheels weren't limited to collector lines, although I don't miss the gimmicks or electronics that much, I always forget to change the battery.

PD: I won't tell to not do it, I understand it's your channel and your style and I still like your content, but every time you hit a transformer with the pencil it gets on my nerves, years ago a friend made a scratch on a toy I have from the power rangers doing the same type of test quality in plastic.


Man I wish I was born in 2000 and I turn 7 in 2007 so I can get the original figures and feel the 2007 vibe and feel excitement when the movie was coming up


Great video! Just imagine if they continued with the same size. That would be fantastic!


I'd like to say that I fit into both categories (collectors that both display & transform my figures). Yeah, the figures I have do stand on my shelf (since much of my figures are current Generations figures), but I occasionally transform them when I feel like it (Studio Series ROTF Starscream, Gen Selects Galvatron, Legacy Ironhide/DK-2 Guard, POTP/Earthrise Punch-Counterpunch, Earthrise & Studio Series BB Optimus Prime, & SS86 Hot Rod are great examples of this, especially if the figures are fun/a joy to transform). And my figures do help with creating stories about them.


I Think The 2007 15th anniversary pack of the studio series is better than the original


You can’t say the old ones have better plastic during the plastic test when you hold the old ones and dont hold the new ones. Also I do realize the old ones have better plastic I’m just saying.


I only have the Night watch version of 2007 prime. I love it. This was a great video. I like looking at the comparisons. Very interesting.


Really enjoyed your nostalgic sharing, bro! Miss those kinds of reviews, man.


crazy bro..these are the same ones that drew me back in too. Great video!


1:05 I kind of wish that new 15th Anniversary Deluxe Bumblebee have more paint


Tbh the 2007 ones are better made. they're heavier, the joints are tighter, and I think the alt modes look better. The ss ones are too small and fragile, they arent any fun to mess with and are basically only for sitting on a shelf, they beat out the ogs in terms of accuracy by a landslide but that's their only redeeming quality.


I like the 2022 figures an I’m still looking for them


sigh. back when deluxes were $10, Voyagers were $20, and Leader class were between $30 to $40.

plus, there were easy to find. at least in my area.


13:20 the smoke stacks are too short on the ss


the 2007 jazz figure makes me remember some of the chunky unicron trilogy figures


I miss the old figures, they were so special to me growing up


Somethings i like imo:
For bee: i like the new cuz ut doesnt have the connected arm canon while i grew up with the 2007 one tho it has annoying panels and vehicle mode i like both but the 2007-2009 one has a better door window representation while SS has it painted off
For jazz: got to own the old one and i liked it even if the legs are innacurate with faux wheels and solid car mode tho i agree i like SS better except the tabbing
For ratchet: for beef, the old one and good altmode. For SS is also both
For ironhide: yes i love both but i take SS's back not being a very simple stick and takeoff backpack unlike the first fig. Altmode i love both thats why i consider ironhide my fav fig of the cast both 07 and 15th anniversary one
Prime: leader has a good dark color and i love it same as the lighter shade the SS fig has and obv better smokestacks. For robot mode SS all the way except details like the legs. Not sure why the 1st, 2nd and 4th version has a better paint in the legs than the anniversary edition one, its dumb. The legs on the 2007 one has it formed better while SS has a semi accurate transformation like the movie but not much. Altmode i take 2009 lol
Sorry if its long
