Rare / Broken 36” 3D AeroMaster Deluxe Ceiling Fan running direct 220V

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This is my first edited video with iMovie, Music provided by YouTube Music Library

After successful ground checking and confirmation that the motor is working, I had continuously tested it until the fan had almost and temporarily accelerated to its original design speed despite abnormal heating of the motor.

The fan spins under 300 RPM, and it heats up very quickly during the first few minutes of it starting up and humming, I’m assuming the old capacitor could be the cause for the malfunctioning of the fan after a decade of being in attic and 4 years hanging just for display.


Here is an old 3D AeroMaster Deluxe ceiling fan partially repaired, cleaned and starting up for the first time in 15+ years after being taken down from my attic, I’m not sure what the model is. The fan itself looks like a Dayton Leading Edge.

Here I upload my second fan video, after plenty of piano videos I have uploaded.

Update 25/08/2023: The fan's motor has been completely sanded except for the goldline, and now awaiting white repainting. The fan still has a 0.6uF capacitor which is enough to get it spinning faster than what's shown in the video.

It's smaller 18" CHW-18 floor fan sibling, is also awaiting a coat of black.

Taken on January the 16th of 2023 using an iPhone 6s.
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