The Second Ring Beyond the ice walls: Map introduction and analysis (1)

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Welcome to this new Italian P&C video. Today i'm going to introduce you to the 2nd ring beyond the ICE walls as explained and display on the Third Map, the 3ed version of the beyond the ICE walls map, that shows the world outside of our own known one, the Earthly firmament shattered and divided by the ice walls and the Montane ring. I'll also describe the lands of Asgard and Eden. This is the start of a new series, like the video and comment to help the channel grow and keep the series going.

Songs used:

00:00-03:06 Initiation
03:06-10:28 Recap of the Old map
10:28-17:42 Introduction to the Second Ring
17:42-20:59 Asgard
20:59-26:48 Hyperborea
26:48-29:44 Eden
29:44-32:00 Conclusion

reminder: the map itself is a worldbuilding project made by a creator, it is not to be taken as reality, in the video I analyze real topics that relate to the map's continents to figure out their inspiration
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A lot of new people are finding this video out in the last couple days, just a reminder that this isn't meant to be taken as an explanation of how the reality of earth beyond the ice walls is. This is a worldbuilding project, that builds upon the previous one (the first series i mentioned in this video). I'm not going to tell you what to believe, but since this was already written in the description, just remember to not get entagled between theory and factual reality. Enjoy the video


An ancient flat earth map that shows the lands beyond the ice wall was found at a Buddhist temple in Japan. . That map was published in a Hawaii newspaper in 1907. Can find it online.


imagine all the history from each of the lands. I deeply believe that we are not being told what this world truly is


When i traversed the ol' collapsed land bridge between Russia and Alaska, to visit Canada, my comrades and I knew we had just magically spanned around to the other side of the flat world. How could we have doubted this wonderful video.


This map reminds me of how atlantis was described. Is the story of it being "washed away in a single day and night" a metaphor for the knowledge being washed from the minds of humanity in a very short space of time like a "reset" just like they are trying to pull off again now?


"Space is made in a Hollywood basement"~ Red Hot Chili Peppers, Californication.


Very cool and completely thought out fan fiction. You say it's not your map but hats off to whomever made it! 👍


It feels like a board game.., they were in Eden (close to winning the game) but found the infamous fruit (trap) then they were sent back to the beginning of the game (inner circle) to start over. 😅


I find it amusing that somehow can draw a map of lands beyond the ice wall no one has ever gone beyond. You guys are special.


For me, it's a great topic. My idea of ​​Earth has always been at odds with the globe. The Earth created by God and described in the Book of Genesis is so different from the one commonly taught in schools all over the Earth that I am internally convinced of the Earth being flat and huge. The ice circle that gives us humans a central place on Earth is a fact to be verified. But the next circles and lands and oceans make us realize thanks to this map that it is possible. Thank you for the elaboration. Your film is my discovery today.


Eyes are opening, people want to explore this information, Super job


I just happened onto this video. I must say that as a Christian, the manner in which you present this is so much more easier to digest than virtually ANY OTHER that I have ever encountered. I, too, have questions but am unwilling to accept or even get past the first 10 minutes of atheistic viewpoints. It seems to me to be a megalithic compilation of ALL the historical myth-like tales that we have heard for centuries, culminating into one (I hope) history that explains it all. I will be watching very closely. Thank you for your time and dedication to this subject.


This makes me think that either we’re
being farmed or we’re being protected


"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." - Eleanor Roosevelt.


There are 1000s of different sectors the stars we see are the sectors outside the dome that's why we have been seeing the same stars for thousands of years we are stationery not moving


Admiral Byrd described a land beyond the ice wall, since then the Antactica treaty doesn't allow us to go beyond the ice wall, our authorities say that it is reserved for scientific purposes only.


I see Taured on the map here, did you ever hear the story of the man from Taured? he had id and passport with stamps from places we dont know of he was in our ring somehow apparently, he was detained by authorities and vanished from his cell !!
Thanks for your time :)


Beyond the ice wall is lots of extra territory, its where extra terrestrials come from.


Your English has improved greatly, my friend. I genuinely appreciate all of your hard work ❤


I always knew this my brother was a navy seal he die but before he die he told me all this that the world was bigger than we think that after the antarctic is more land
