Using the vegan R package to generate ecological distances (CC188)
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The vegan R package has a powerful set of functions for calcuating the ecological distance between communities. In this episode, Pat shares how to get your data in the right format to use vegdist and avgdist prior to analyzing the distances using NMDS. He discusses using rarefaction with avgdist to control for uneven sampling effort since the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index is sensitive to uneven sampling effort. We'll use the metaMDS function from vegan and tools from ggplot2 and the tidyverse packages.
#vegdist #avgdist #vegan #ggplot2 #R #Rstudio #Rstats
You can also find complete tutorials for learning R with the tidyverse using...
0:00 Calculating ecological distances with the vegan R package
2:08 Preparing matrix of sample by taxa counts
10:23 Calculating distances using vegdist
12:27 Using community matrix directly in metaMDS
13:18 Rarefying distance calculations using avgdist
#vegdist #avgdist #vegan #ggplot2 #R #Rstudio #Rstats
You can also find complete tutorials for learning R with the tidyverse using...
0:00 Calculating ecological distances with the vegan R package
2:08 Preparing matrix of sample by taxa counts
10:23 Calculating distances using vegdist
12:27 Using community matrix directly in metaMDS
13:18 Rarefying distance calculations using avgdist
Vegan R Package Tutorial
Using the vegan R package to generate ecological distances (CC188)
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How to rarefy community data in R with vegan and the tidyverse (CC200)
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Using vegan to calculate alpha diversity metrics within the tidyverse in R (CC196)
Introduction to multivariate data analysis using vegan
vegan package in r
PCA using vegan and prcomp in R (Part 1) | Nutribiomes
'vegan' Package Lecture
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Vegan Package
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PCA using vegan and prcomp in R (Part 2) | Nutribiomes
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How to Install Packages in R Studio and Handling Installation Errors
Package Vegan in R by JSMC