NC Studio HOW TO set up all the parameters to a new CNC machine A to Z

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A Roger Clyde Webb easy learning CNC tutorial NC Studio HOW TO set up all the parameters to a new CNC machine A to Z

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WARNING: This/These video/s are NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 16! Disclaimer: These videos, commentary, and or advice are intended for entertainment and inspiration for adults over 16 -year-old. Woodworking and metalworking are dangerous. Always seek professional advice and training before using any power tools or CNC machines. If you have any uncertainty before performing any DIY procedure, stop and learn a safer method. Understand, that there are years of learning and experimentation by me that are not in the videos. Do not attempt anything simply because you saw or heard it in one of my videos. You can have a safe, enjoyable, and even inspirational time in your workshop by understanding your own tools, materials, and your own skill level.
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Hi Mr. Roger, great explanation, there is one other thing I would like to add to help with accuracy, the travel distance for the axis can be calculated quite easily and accurately using proportions and would eliminate guess work, here are the facts (1) Your first ruler measurement was very close to 8mm (2) your pulse setting was 10mm (3) your screen settings that produced 8mm movement was 0.003125. because lowering the screen setting number (0.003125) increases travel distance, follow this procedure:
Multiply the axis distance travel (8mm) by the screen settings (0.003125), divided by the desired axis travel (10mm) or (8*0.003125)/10= 0.0025.
This works for all axis, hope this helps😏.


Nice work! Thanks! I can add a bit information about calculation of pulse) With that no need to measure real travel path. It can be programmed after simple calculation. 1st - Motor Step angle - How much degrees motor rotate per one pulse (Usually 1.8 degree) 2nd is Driver pulse setting (Setup of switches on step motor driver, on the driver we have table picture), and that pulse setting helps to get accuracy, smooth work, accelerations and much much more for great work of CNC machine. And 3rd - Sizes of ball screw, diameter, screw angle, screw pitch and lead. For example.. Motor step is 1.8 degree. One full revolution of screw is 360 degree. 360/1.8=200.. That means, for 1 rotation of screw need 200 Steps (Pulses). On the driver we have setting of pulse 400 and at these time motor will get 400 pulses for 1 revolution, 360/400=0.9 degree (Driver divide motor steps). For example Screw lead = 10mm, what means, that 1 full revolution of screw will move axis on 10 mm in linear path. So we know that 200 pulses will move axis on 10 mm without divide, then 10/200=0.05, where 0.05mm is one pulse. If Driver divides steps like 400 pulses/rev, then 10/400=0.025mm is one pulse. If driver divide on 1600, then 10/1600=0, 00625mm and etc. Dividing fix accuracy, noise, vibrations of motor and etc.. And to finish.. Lead can be different cause We can have a single thread screw or two thread screw.. With single all works like typed, with two threads, we need to divide number on 2. Driver dividing is very important, cause biggest dividing give accuracy, but slows speeds of revolutions and making noise, vibrations.. Lower dividing means lower accuracy, but speeds grow up and machine work smoothly. About Servo motors is the same.. there need to know servo encoder step.. and if we have some kind of gearbox, then also need to know gear ratio for dividing pulse. Angular axis works without lead calculations, but we can have a gearbox, so that is simple)) I hope it can help to save time and get ideal settings for CNC mashine)


formula for calibrate:
motor parameter( y x z ) × fact distance / distance jog (10) = correct motor parameter


Good morning Roger, thanks for the video. One thing that I couldn’t catch in the tutorial, was how to “make it home itself” what button did you press to initiate homing


Hi Roger, I just want to know did you get the BKREF window open. I need to reset my machine coordinates


Thank you for the tutorial but How do you pop up the window for bkref you don’t show that part for setting up homing.


Hi Riger Thanks too much i'm a beginner


thank you ..Roger this is a alternative for me..


Hi Rodger I’d love if you could use your expertise to build and setup a CNC plasma table
I think a version from. Your vast knowledge would be spot on


Sir, which post processor is required for nc studio?


hello sir can you tell me that which is the best cam software for nc studio glass cutting 2d cnc router machine.


Hello dear, thanks for the lecture. Once time the motion card is installed, does it pair with the computer? Or does not need to be unpair?


hi, rojer can you help my limit switches are working and turn green in iostate but still dont stop the movement, any help would be great, and what a great video.


hello Mr Roger I just bought a CNC and it came with the NC STUDIO software that I have already installed and follow the settings procedures on your channel and many thanks please I would like to know which software (aspire, artcam, etc.) would allow me to extract the G-CODE for this software and if possible the procedure for importing the G-CODE into NC STUDIO. Thanks in advance


Good video friend. help me with a problem, the sensor of the axis of the z does not mark the limit in the program nc studio. make a metal to the sensor to see if the red light comes on and if it comes on, but in the program it does not turn on the alarm. can you help me please.


Hi, Can i use NC Studio for plasma cutter...? Tnx in advance..


What did you press to try z, x and y at 14.27 minutes of the video? Thanks in advance


What happens at 15:10? A dialogue window pops up but I don’t see where you selected to open it. Thanks.


Can we use this software for cnc micro milling machine?


Jorge hi i need change computer for Weihong controller Today I have XP and now i lke install W7 here i have installed board PM75A for 3 áxis
