Kito de Boer | The Arab World Has NOT Failed The Palestinian People (8/8) | Oxford Union

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The Motion: This House Believes The Arab World Has Failed The Palestinian People.

ABOUT THE OXFORD UNION SOCIETY: The Oxford Union is the world's most prestigious debating society, with an unparalleled reputation for bringing international guests and speakers to Oxford. Since 1823, the Union has been promoting debate and discussion not just in Oxford University, but across the globe.
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out of all them, lowkey's part made the most sense.


for those asking about the result, the motion was defeated (aka the opposition has won )


The “debate” seemed to be more like 8 different speeches with no one addressing points made by speakers of the opposing side. Oxford debate should be a tool for students to learn how to get at the truth of a matter, not a platform for speakers, students and guests alike, to present their individual opinions sans agenda, or not. We can read essays for that!


Lowkey, played a big part in defeating this motion by applying excellent research skills, a sound knowledge base and he delivered his contribution with aplomb and gusto. Well done👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


No matter who wins .. focus should be on Palestine people rights..


The vote is edited out. I had to go online and find the results myself. The motion was voted down, everyone who is interested


There is a need to emphasize the identity of the Palestinians because debates revolving around Palestine often assume an Arab identity. I don't blame people for this assumption, as if you go to Palestine now, they speak Arabic. Their shops, roads, and even television programs are all in Arabic. To someone from a Western country or an Orientalist, it is difficult to differentiate between Palestinians and Arabs because they speak the same language and look similar. However, in reality, the skin tones of Arabs and Palestinians differ. The communities in the Levant, including Palestinians, generally have lighter skin tones compared to the Arabs in North Africa, who tend to have darker skin tones. There are similarities due to interactions over the years, facilitated by the spread of Islam and the expansion of Arab empires in these regions.

Emphasizing the identity of Palestinians is crucial, especially in the context of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, as both claim that this area is their homeland. The basis of their claims often takes a historical side, except for the Israelis, who also take a theological side, claiming that this land was given to them by God. Historically, the Israelis claim that their great ancestor, Jacob, migrated with other Hebrew families from the city of Ur, in modern-day Iraq, and settled in Canaan, which in the 1920s was referred to as Palestine. Historical Canaan is the area that today comprises the state of Jordan and Israel. The Hebrews or Israelis claim they settled there and interacted with the Canaanites, finding them in a position of power. After the Bronze Age collapse, primarily caused by the Sea Peoples from the Aegean Peninsula, the Canaanite civilization was unable to regain control. Consequently, the Hebrews, or Israelis, became predominant in government matters, forming the Kingdom of Judea and the Kingdom of Israel. Over time, there were power vacuums and shifts between empires, including the Greeks, Romans, Persians, Arabs, Turks, and Kurds.

Palestinians claim that they are descendants of the Canaanites, a Semitic people like the Arabs. However, despite some linguistic similarities, they are not the same. Palestinians have taken DNA tests, and it was found that almost 60% of their DNA is Canaanite, with the rest being a mix of Egyptian, Iraqi, Turkish, and about 5% Arab DNA. These tests, conducted by private agencies like 23andMe, confirm that most Palestinians are not Arabs.

Before 1920, the term "Arabs" referred to people living in the Arabian Peninsula. Outside this area, regions like Lebanon or Palestine were not considered Arab lands or their people Arab. An Arab country was one under Arab leadership, geographically situated in the Arabian Peninsula. An Arab is anyone with a deep connection to the Arabian Peninsula, tracing their heritage and culture back to this region. Therefore, the cultures of Yemen, Oman, and Saudi Arabia are similar, but outside the Arabian Peninsula, distinctions become apparent.

The Islamic and Arabic influence over the centuries caused the local languages and identities to evolve. Some people believe they are descendants of Arabs, even though they aren't. Using the Arab League's standard for identifying Arab countries includes places like Somalia, although Somalians are not Arabs.

For Palestinians to achieve autonomy and regain control over their land, they must emphasize their unique identity. Assuming an Arab identity and relying on Arab countries for support may not be effective. Out of 22 Arab countries, only 7 (Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen) might intervene, and these are predominantly Arab countries except for Jordan. The Jordanian monarchy acquired land through occupation during the British mandate of Palestine in 1920. Abdullah ibn Hussein requested an audience with the British Prime Minister, resulting in the division of Palestine, with Eastern Palestine given to the Arabs (Transjordan) and Western Palestine to the Zionist Jews, forming the state of Israel.

Many Palestinians do not see eye to eye with Jordanians, despite the latter granting them citizenship. The division of their land involved no native Palestinians, leading to the formation of local militias fighting the occupation on both sides. The Jordanians crushed these revolutions, while the Israelis, with Western support, managed to persist. Significant revolutions, like Black September orchestrated by Yasser Arafat, leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, highlight the continued struggle.


They avoid the actual ethnic cleansing of 1948 of Palestinian. They ignore the indigenous Palestinians. They ignore the Stern gang. ....pointless rapper made the most sense on the question itself....


Armies and Mercenaries from countless Arab States attacked Israel as soon as it was declared a State.
Most Arabs living in now Israel left the scene for security reasons with the promise of being allowed to return and get their property back as well as some plunder from the slaughtered Jews.
However it didn't pan out as all the Arab forces were soundly defeated and most locals never returned.
This is nothing new in the World and in most other cases people have accepted that they lost the battle and move on.
However the bleeding hearts took over the cause and kept the idea and dream of a return alive, the refugee issue became a cause and 70 years later people are still not 'marching on'.


World peace starts from free strong PALESTINE 🇵🇸...


Complaining about policies of the past..PLUS..mentioning BREXIT..but has NO policy themselves..apart from make things better..


The Israelis know that they failed the Palestinians . As long as 10.5 million $/day keeps flowing from US taxpayers to the IDF, seems nothing will change. Who came up with this topic tittle?


If you wanted to give a home to Jews and were so sympathetic you should have gave half of Britain or wales or England


India since I see so many Indians supporting Israel


The speaker refers to history. May I ask this speaker how the situation in the Middle East was at the time of the Ottoman Empire?


The Abbas and Hamas has failed their people


someone left the vote out on purpose i can guess the result no need


Very Intressting, nobody talking about the history of that region?
poor Palestinian, fought side by side with the british against the Ottomanß s an now? Shit happens!


We don’t live in colonial times. They made a mess in many parts of the world and they have to resolve the problems they created in an equitable way especially regarding Palestinian people. Most of us with an education don’t hate anyone without reason. We don’t like the actions of certain countries and individuals. When things get resolved the problems should go away too.


This speaker kept bending historical realities and weakened his argument as a result. The US did not support the Israeli protostate at first. UK politicians were highly divided on this issue. As a country, the UK didn't let go of the mandate but because of the armed insurrection by the haganah. In 1948 the UN resolution pushed forward by the UK, USA and France, among others, was to create two states in the remaining 20% of British mandate Palestine. The other 80% had already been allocated to create an Arab state made up of 70% of Palestinian Arabs. The speaker is perfectly aware of all that but it obviously would not serve his career well to stick to historical facts. Sad. As usual.


good debate good arguments on both sides.
