My Favourite Micro Four Thirds Lenses!

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In this video I'm talking about my favourite Micro Four Thirds lenses and why I chose the ones I did.

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My following most used MFT lenses, in no particular order:

Laowa 7.5mm f2 - Great wide angle lens, which I use for my random street photography, but is mostly used for my documentary and architectural photography.
Samsung/Rokinon 12mm f2 - I'm just getting started with videography and the lens is perfect for what I'm shooting, so whenever I'm out filming I bring that lens.
Panasonic-Leica 15mm f1.7 - Great general lens I leave on my Oly Em5 III most of the time
Olympus 12-45mm f4 Pro - Master of all trades, really. Great image quality, covers most focal lengths I need, good minimum focus distance.
Olympus 45mm f1.2 Pro - my portrait lens! What a beautiful piece of art. Unfortunately it forces me to leave the much more compact 45mm f1.8 home most of the time.
Panasonic 35-200mm f2.8 - Like the 12-45mm, master of all telephoto trades. Less used now because of the 45mm f1.2, but still a great general lens when I'm doing architecture or documentary and need detail shots of things a bit further away.


The 45mm Olympus is a total gem! The PanaLeica 12-60mm is what I have on my camera most of the time. I considered the 9mm as well, but I just bought the Laowa 7.5mm auto aperture waiting to get it next week.

Another just phantastic MFT lens is the Olympus 60mm Macro lens. Oh damn, is that a great thing and really affordable for what it does.


I had the same feeling about the 9mm, I am not photographing wide much the 9mm pushes me to try that style.
I am also a fan of the TT 35mm and Oly 45mm.
One you should really try if you like telephoto but want small and reasonably priced, get the Lumix 35-100mm f4-5.6. That lens is just a little fatter than the Oly 45mm, about the same length closed. It is tiny, yet the picture quality is top notch.


Always nice to see what people use on m43 for ideas, and just for fun. I have the em5, a lovely little gem I picked up used, and I have 3 "real" lenses and then the 3 lenses that lomography made for m43 that I got on sale super cheap. The lomography lenses are fun, cheap, silliness that I use when I want to play. Otherwise, I have the Oly 12-50mm that gives me a little all-weather kit, an Oly 40-150mm for reach, and a Sigma (I forget which version) 30mm for an everyday prime. I love having a tiny kit and "system" for a pretty small money outlay, all 3 lenses I got used, with patience and waiting. Anyway, I love this system, and even if mine isn't the latest and greatest, I think any camera and lens in this system is just lovely! Thanks for your videos!


ah i see a samsung camera in the back, you get a big like!


I nice walkabout lens to use with the EM10 Mkii is the Olympus 12-50 f3.5 - 6.3 with electro and manual zoom as well as a macro function engaged by a button press and a programmable function button (l-fn), Covers most things I need on a daily basis.


Because, fun! 👍I held out for the Lumix 42.5 f1.7 ~ had to wait a long time to find one at a price that wasn't much more than the Zuiko 45. I wanted the added versatility of the closer focussing, preferred the look of it, and it has OIS synch with Panasonic bodies. Recently picked up a Lumix 35-100 f4/5.6 and beguiled by its tiny size and weight, yet no compromise with sharpness, just the restricted aperture. Loving being able to pack a decent telephoto into the merest hint of space in a svelte sling bag, or any bag. The Lumix 12-32 f3.5 tops off my EDC kit when I'm heading out but not specifically for photography. I'll throw in a fast prime or two if I think I might need to, like the Zuiko 17 f1.8 as space allows. A fast Laowa 7.5 f2 AE for interiors/architecture, still very small and light despite metal build. Finally, just for the giggle, the 7Artisans 18 f6.3 UFO body-cap lens. This is just my ultra-compact grab and go kit. Other lenses comprise my 'serious' kit, but only when called for. What's nice about m4/3 is that a wide variety of lenses are available tailored to different needs, and they are not so prohibitively expensive that you are restricted to just one of each focal length. I couldn't imagine having an ultra compact as well as a fast aperture kit if I were shooting full-frame, or even APS-C. Biding your time and buying second hand allows you to fine tune your kit to suit a variety of occasions. M4/3 really is the sweet-spot as you say, in IQ, affordability and portability. Thanks for another enjoyable video, although it's made me realise just how many lenses I actually have 🙄😅 Happy shooting!


It's the excellent, small lenses that can be picked up inexpensively that really make MFT for me. The 45/1.8 is The King. I don't shoot tele that much but the 40-150R at a bargain second-hand price is a no-brainer in the bag and surprisingly good. I think I have to try the TT 17/1.4, more useful to me than the 35 and looks like fun. Like your content, keep it up David!


Yet again this reminds me that I really do need a zoom for my Micro 4/3 cameras, I've just never quite made that leap and bought one. That said, where would be the fun if I didn't spend the entire day saying "I haven't got the right lens with me" or "I'll just swap lenses". Cool video David.


I was (am) sitting here, propped up in my cot, thinking 'this is horrible'. Full-on, packed with information, no mistakes or misspeaks, bordering on the lucid - who tf is this guy? Doppelganger?? Mercifully, you dropped a lens in your cup of tea and the ice broke (???). Reverted to type. I started to breathe again... 'it's ok, it's David, just breathe....' Lot's of lovely pics and that banger of a shed in the bracken. Dear God though... you're easier to take without the meds. Have a great week.


Excellent video as always my friend. Absolutely love the way you edit your work. Is it a special profile you use 👌


Olympus 75 1.8 is a bokeh master, Pana 20 1.7 pancake, 7Artisan 7.5 2.8 for panoramas, Olympus 75-300 for long distance (eq 600mm).

For travel with only one lens : Olympus 12-200 (weather sealed).


How about the Olympus 12-50mm kit lens? It has a great zoom range. Great at the wide end and it has enough reach at the telephoto end. Best of all, its even weather sealed! The lens is very sharp and mine has been indestructable!

BTW - Great video. Thanks forr making it.


Mine include - a 15mm and 25mm Leica Summilux, an f/0.95 17mm Zhongyi, and a few early four-thirds lenses used with a 4/3 to micro4/3 adapter, including an 11-22mm zoom.


100% agree with the Oly 40-150! Holy cow what a great lens for so little money! Even though I eventually got the PRO version I much prefer the non-pro version for travel and it never disappoints.

Also got the Leica 9mm F1.7 and that one is an absolute banger. I'll never sell it! Great list.


I am so happy I do not have to mention my favourite lenses! Because, I can't. I have a lot of lenses and some I use much more than others but I love them all. The one lens I couldn't do without though is the 14-42mm EZ kitlens. Paired with the OM-5 it is small enough to fit in a pouch on my hip everyday wherever I go. Giving me chances to photograph things I would otherwise miss.


For those who just entered m 4/3 world with very limited budget but still can't decide...
The definite answer is Olympus 12-50 f3.5 - 6.3 lens: the best all-rounder budget lens EVER. Olympus had literally put in TOO MANY THINGS for this little budget glass - great everyday coverage range, power & manual zoom, macro mode, weather seal, one Fn button, all packed in a "lower tier" lens. Are you serious???
Better yet the secondhand price is pathetically CHEAP - got mine in like new shape for just $100. The only complaint I can think of is its small max. aperture. Since I rarely take photos in low light situation so that's not much an issue for me anyway.


Hi David, bang for buck the TTartisan lenses are very good. The lens I suggest that you ‘overlooked’ is the Lumix 20mm f1.7 pancake. If it ever came to a time when I was forced to reduce my collection of MFT gear, this would be the lens that i would keep. The results I get from this relatively low priced lens are excellent.
The camera body I would keep is my old OMD EM1 mk1, It’s not the most up to date that I have in my collection but there is something about it that I love.


My current fave for the m4.3 is the Olympus 17mm F1.8. If it could focus closer it would be even better :)


If you want to have a go at wide angle, try the 9mm F8 body cap lens, cheap and i find can produce very good images/video 😎
