Why I Quit Hotel Loyalty Programs

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Andrew Henderson and the Nomad Capitalist team are the world's most sought-after experts on legal offshore tax strategies, investment immigration, and global citizenship. We work exclusively with seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors who want to "go where they're treated best".

Andrew has started offshore companies, opened dozens of offshore bank accounts, obtained multiple second passports, and purchased real estate on four continents. He has spent the last 12 years studying and personally implementing the Nomad Capitalist lifestyle.

Our growing team of researchers, strategies, and implementers add to our ever-growing knowledge base of the best options available. In addition, we've spent years studying the behavior of hundreds of clients in order to help people get the results they want faster and with less effort.

DISCLAIMER: The information in this video should not be considered tax, financial, investment, or any kind of professional advice. Only a professional diagnosis of your specific situation can determine which strategies are appropriate for your needs. Nomad Capitalist can and does not provide advice unless/until engaged by you.
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I was talking with my lawyer who is a super-smart guy when he found out how much I travel and that I am not part of any rewards programs he talked me into it. So in 2019, I started with the Mariott and Star Alliance for air travel. That year I ended up spending $11, 000 more in hotels and about the same for air travel. Was my experience better? No. Actually, about half the time I ended up staying in a worse hotel for more money. Or taking not the most ideal flight. The only thing that I even valued was the late checkout and for the amount of extra money I was paying could have just bought extra nights. So I have to agree hotel loyalty is a joke.


I think the insight that Andrew provides in this video is so valuable. Even though I'll never be at an Ambassador level(lol), the concept of everyone in these environments being so scripted to the point that it's insulting. The reality that your loyalty has to be absolute but there's is only if it's available is so true in so many rewards programs today, not just hotels. Great video.


Andrew, entrepreneurs are decisive doers. No time for bullshit and excuses. Time is the most precious resource. Nobody's gotten time for kids pretending to be serious adults.


You are correct about the major hotel chains. I think the problems you experienced were because you are an individual. I spent much of my career traveling in the Marriott system and was treated well for the most part. The reason is that I had a massive corporate travel contract supporting me. If I complained to my corporate travel and they contacted Marriott is was always followed by a month of Marriott going out of their way to make me very happy.


I honestly have had much better experiences at small boutique hotels than the luxury chains.


Ok, I'll admit it, I was belly laughing at the end of this video. Andrew, thank you. Great stuff.


Oh my god, this. Made it to ambassador in the same hotel / city and they couldn't even get my (filed!) personal room preferences right half the time.


"Go where you're treated best"...words to live by. Great insight


Many high-end hotels are run for the staff more than for the guest. All the employees are doing what the manager requires, not what the guest requests. For example, the guest in a fine hotel should be free to rearrange items in the room, including some of the furniture, within reason, to suit their own comfort. Too often, no matter how high the nightly rate, if you try this, the items will be completely rearranged, back to the check-in configuration, every time you return to the hotel. This is because the hotel manager insists on having it his way. The guest's preferences really do not have anything to do with it. If you find a nice hotel where your chair stays where you like it, for the duration of your stay, that is a truly fine hotel, regardless of many other factors.


So glad to hear this coming out of somebody else's mouth. I bought an apartment in the Hilton Surfers Paradise and paid well over a million dollars for one of their residences, expecting the Residences to be run & serviced like the Hotel. It has turned out to be an absolute disaster for everybody (except Hilton) who continues to treat the individual owners like lemmings & provide zero service nor any sort of decent treatment to residents. The value of the residences has dropped by 40% in 8 years, so a horrendous investment also.


Andrew - do you feel the same with airline loyalty?


This is GREAT feedback...I always wondered about those programs!


One trick that Ritz Carlton uses for its upgrades is that they go from the regular room to a suite with a intermediate level which is a regular room with a view. Therefore they upgrade regular rooms to regular rooms instead of regular rooms to suites. So you call and ask them what is one room below the suite and then you book that one.


I understand you so much. I started working at Marriott and I got so frustrated that I couldnt go off “script”. They are the saddest fakest people ever at the front desk. I’m sorry you saw Marriotts truth!


Service is a dying art. Fav head with both hands) "O silly me" Hotels distilled.


When you make a decision to stay in a hotel because of a loyalty program, you just screwed yourself out of staying somewhere else you like better.


Can't agree more, 5 star hotels are the dregs of corporate liars, I have been using AirBnB which has been a nightmare at times, but I am paying for what I get and not only that I make sure there is a mom and pop cafe near by, and I eat local which has been a delight.


The main issue is you picked Marriott. Hyatt is the best - the rest are ok - and then Marriott is the worst.


Harder to find, particularly in central locations & last minute arrangements however, a true Bed & Breakfast I’ve always found to be the best service & experience.


Too many entities these days are way to corporate including services such as PayPal where they treat victims of fraud like criminals, Stripe is taking over as a result. Perhaps an idea for your next episode could be how you have dealt with credit fraud while traveling as a Nomad. It happened to me three separate times this Winter!
