PRESERVATION EVOKER FIRST LOOK in operation: Floodgate! How strong is preservation for M+ in 11.1?

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This is a video giving my first impression on how preservation evoker felt inside of m+ with Operation: floodgate M+ testing for 11.1 Liberation of Undermine new patch. I also go over all the evoker changes - though they have little to no bearing on this video. The class is still bugged so take this all with a grain of salt and I WILL MAKE AN UPDATE VIDEO as they hopefully fix the bugs
0:00 Introduction
0:50 Preservation Evoker Changes for 11.1
4:30 Tier set for 11.1
6:00 Chronowarden M+ / Strength
10:20 Conclusion
0:00 Introduction
0:50 Preservation Evoker Changes for 11.1
4:30 Tier set for 11.1
6:00 Chronowarden M+ / Strength
10:20 Conclusion
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